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Six Ways to Use Video Communications in Your Healthcare Blog

James Daniels

James Daniels

stethoscope and keyboardRunning a healthcare blog can be challenging, rewarding and exciting. You can get a lot out of it, but also give a lot back to viewers by providing insights into illnesses and helping people lead healthier lives. Many choose to set up and run a blog while they study because it’s a natural extension of what they’re learning and their blog, in turn, can be helpful. As an example, if you’re studying for a masters degree in public health, you could run a great healthcare blog and provide real-time advice about what you’re learning and experiences from classmates, professors and healthcare professionals with whom you interact. You can supplement text in your blog with video to help convey complicated information, assist visitors’ understanding and help make you an authority in your field. Various forms of video communications, such as self-help, explainer and interview videos, can be fun to create, are useful for explaining mundane or complicated topics and show viewers solutions to problems.

Here are six ways to enhance your healthcare blog with video.

Video Web Chats and Video Conferencing

Hosting healthcare web chats and offering video conferencing are great ways to let your viewers get to know you. While, obviously, you may not be able to answer all of their health questions or recommend appropriate help, if you’re part of a healthcare practice or just providing tips as a new healthcare professional, this can be a great way to acquire and nurture potential new patients. It’s also a great way to learn about the importance of the personal touch and practice engaging with patients, which are critical traits to being a successful healthcare professional of any type.


healthcare bloggingVlogging is huge right now. Instead of writing up long posts, film them. Answer frequent questions you receive and let people see the real you. Video is a great way to build trust and confidence in you and your blog. If you vlog on YouTube, be sure to always include a link back to your blog. Here’s a great healthcare procedures vlog by Whit Fisher, MD with plenty of examples on simple to complex procedures, many of which are presented in a fun way: Wax Wizard – How to remove ear wax from a patient’s ear

First Aid Videos

Use videos to show basic first aid advice and tips. This is particularly great when it comes to children. Many parents are unsure of basic first aid, but hesitate to sign up for a class. Video is much easier to understand and learn from than a boring page of text. Try to make things as simple as possible, and don’t over complicate your demonstrations. If you would like to see some examples check out these: The Best First Aid Training Videos

Advice Videos

Keep your videos relevant to what’s going on in the real world. If there’s a current outbreak, talk about it. Post a video explaining the symptoms to look out for or talk about the effects of the outbreak. Be seasonal and talk about flu in the winter like how it can be avoided, or summer allergies. Informative videos can really help people. Here is an example of an overview and advice video about the recent zika virus outbreak that was easy to make and is informative, educational and provides advice on how to prevent contracting the virus.

Video Interviews with Healthcare Professionals

If you’re a student, are there professors you know who could be interviewed? If you work in healthcare, can you ask a colleague? Anyone who’s an authority in any branch of medicine would be great. Either ask for questions from your readers beforehand, or interview them yourself on relevant issues. Here are examples of a series of short video interview-style healthcare videos for reference. You can shoot this type of video from your smartphone and then upload directly to your healthcare blog.

Animation Explainer Videos of Healthcare Topics

If you’re uncomfortable being in front of the camera, why not try some animation. Animations have the power to quickly and easily convey a memorable message. They’re used in advertising to great effect, because people remember them. Things like first aid and symptoms are certainly things we don’t want to forget. Animation can also make people feel good. It reminds viewers of being children, making them instantly trust the source.

Finally, if you’re interested in furthering your knowledge of healthcare to add more detail to your blog and your understanding of healthcare, consider an MPH degree from The University of Arizona. And, when it comes to adding videos, look online for guidance and remember to have fun. The more relaxed you are on camera, the more your audience will trust and respect you. The use of video communications can help you grow your healthcare blog, your practice (if you have one) and help your viewers learn about complex topics quickly in a fun and interactive way.

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