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Flimp / Products / PLANselect: Benefits Decision Support

Guide employees to smarter, money-saving health plan decisions

PLANselect is like having a 24/7 HR team member that individually guides each and every employee to better health plan decisions during enrollment.

And, when they make better decisions during open enrollment, they save money (and so do you).

PLANselect is able to make accurate estimates and plan recommendations in less than five minutes by tapping into the power of 200+ million data points in our claimant database.

Make benefits enrollment easy and help employees get to the bottom line

Employees struggle to do the math. Every plan has different cost tables for in network, out of network, prescription drugs, copays, deductibles, covered care, out-of-pocket maximums.

It makes an employee’s head spin. How can they possibly understand the variations in their plan options and get to the bottom line: how much each plan will cost them (premiums + health spending) for their unique use case?

Download “Decision Support: Your Secret Weapon for Reducing Healthcare Spending” 

Why use our decision-support tools?

Reduce Healthcare Spending

PLANselect helps employees understand their benefits and guides them to smarter, money-saving decisions.

Improve Migration to HDHP/HSA Plans

HDHP and HSA are the best plans for some people, but they sound scary. Demystify these plan types and improve migration by 20-30%.

Raise Awareness of Voluntary Benefits

Our tool for voluntary benefits, BENEFITchoice, helps improve knowledge and enrollment of your supplemental benefits options.

Craft a cost-effective benefits package with predictive analytics

What if you could predict which plans your employee population would choose six months ahead of time? With PLANselect’s predictive analytics, you can. 

Employers and brokers use it to forecast costs and run a “what-if analysis.” See the impact your proposed benefit plans will have on employee and company premiums, company HSA/FSA contributions and the company’s total expense.

Employers and benefit managers can adjust the variables of plan designs to see how those changes affect the tool’s recommendations and the corresponding financial implications, enabling leadership to zero in on the ideal scenario.

Provide the individual guidance that every employee needs

With how confusing benefits plans can be, most employees need someone to clear up the confusion. But it’s impossible for most HR teams to provide this individual plan guidance. And many employees don’t want to share their sensitive medical information with an HR colleague.

But that’s not a problem with PLANselect. Each employee can get personalized guidance that helps them understand each of their plans and the impact it has on their healthcare costs.

Benefits of PLANselect

Designed to be completed

Employees spend less than 18 minutes on benefits enrollment. Rather than trying to convince them to spend more time, our tool is designed to help them make accurate decisions, FAST.

Reduce redundant meetings/questions

Open enrollment is all hands on deck, and it's made even worse by needing to have tons of Zoom meetings and answer employee questions. Remove redundancy with personalized guidance.

We set it up for you, quickly

Some decision-support software requires exhaustive setup by the HR team or their broker. Not PLANselect. We do it for you. We get it done in about a week.

Available in English and Spanish

We've designed PLANselect to give an identical experience in English and Spanish, with fluent writers and voice actors.

"We received positive feedback from our employees that PLANselect was really helpful. We’re very pleased with the number of employees who utilized the tool, and it clearly helped with their decision making during open enrollment.

Plus, our HDHP enrollment just about tripled, so we’re very happy with that!”
Megan Kearney
Benefits Analyst, Rocket Software

Do Even More with Flimp

A decision-support tool designed to be completed

Most tools take too long because they require too much up-front input from your employees to get accurate recommendations. The result? Employees don’t finish the tool, and they’re just as frustrated and confused as they were before you spent thousands of dollars on the platform.

Top-tier comms that reach every employee in every channel

Look like a marketing master
with compelling visual content
that inspires and educates
employees. Whether at home, in
the field, or in the office, ensure
your messaging gets through. Every employee, every channel.

Employee videos that improve engagement and literacy

Video is the bedrock of employee
education. Our pre-produced
benefits video library and skilled
production team can rapidly
deploy high-quality, engaging
employee videos on a range of
benefits and HR topics.

Get started with the highest-ROI tool in the industry.

By focusing on the stuff that really matters — usability and accuracy, instead of custom animation — we’re able to offer an accurate decision-support tool that’s built for HR budgets. And companies using PLANselect see 20%+ increase in HDHP and HSA migration. That’s good ROI. 

“I definitely believe PLANselect helped to guide plan members to the HSA plans, which is exactly what we wanted.”
Laurie L Wilburn
Director, Total Rewards | Nebraska Medicine
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