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Your easiest open enrollment ever

Simplify benefits enrollment with decision support, explainer videos, and content-driven communications. Generate 70% engagement rates.

You prepare all year for OE and then... it lands with a thud

Employees don’t read the emails you send. They keep asking you the same questions over and over, even though it’s in the materials you sent them. They don’t spend the time researching their options. They miss deadlines. And then they’re frustrated with their benefits package. 

What if you could not only simplify the preparation for OE, but also create an experience that employees love, that reduces confusion, brings clarity, and drives enrollment? You’re in the right place.

40% of employees would rather do three hours of hot yoga than research their benefits during open enrollment

That’s a real stat from Aflac. Is it any wonder that you feel like you’re talking to a brick wall during open enrollment?


67% of employees said that reading about their benefits options is complicated, intimidating or stressful


44% of employees said they’d prefer their benefits enrollment process be more like Amazon, with easy-to-compare options


55% of employees express dissatisfaction and frustration with their employer’s benefits-enrollment program



Employees find open enrollment intimidating, stressful, confusing, and complicated to navigate.

Simplify benefits enrollment with decision support, explainer videos, and content-driven communications.

Employees often don’t know the basics, like where to go to learn about their plan options.

Utilize benefits microsites, portals, or Digital Postcards for employees, which act as a Benefits HQ during open enrollment.

Employees don’t read boring benefits communication emails and guides.

Use high-engagement activities like Digital Postcards, HR videos, and employee texting to drive response.

HR teams spend a lot of time and effort planning for OE, and then answer the same questions over and over during the enrollment period.

Reduce time to create benefits materials and educational campaigns, or have us do it for you. Eliminate repeat questions by centralizing benefits materials and benefits decision support.

HR teams pay a real price when employees miss their enrollment deadlines.

Ensure your employees see your messages, learn about their benefits, and meet their enrollment deadlines.

Support Tools

Simplify benefits research and selection with a guided experience that also increases HDHP/HSA enrollment by 15-25%.


Our HR platform allows you to quickly and easily build, send, and track Digital Postcards and microsites.

HR Video

Explain the most complex topics during OE by leveraging the power of our HR video library.


Break through the clutter of the email inbox. Make sure your employees read your messages and meet their deadlines.

License Our Solutions

We use these tools to create stellar results for HR, and so can you. License our decision support, workforce texting, content-driven comms platform, or HR video library to build dynamic content and campaigns this open enrollment cycle.

HR Videos

Video is one of the top ways that employees prefer to receive information. Our team creates hundreds of them every year.


Employees love visual content like our interactive Digital Postcards, which deliver 70%+ engagement rates during OE.

and Portals

Replace your benefits fair with a Virtual Benefits Showcase, which centralizes all the information employees need.

Managed Campaigns

Want to drive results this enrollment cycle, but need experience and creative help? We can create a campaign for you.

With Us

Partner with our team to run your communication campaigns for you. With a large creative services team and years navigating open enrollment, we can help you build, send, and analyze high-performing campaigns. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.


How to Solve the Six Most Common Challenges With Open Enrollment

Open enrollment is exhausting

You spend months preparing for it, selecting benefits providers, pulling together plan documentation, and getting everything ready to maximize your enrollment window. 

And none of your employees engage with it. Employees express frustration with the whole process, and some even miss deadlines.

But why? Why is OE season so frustrating for employer and employee alike?

Through our primary and secondary research, our team uncovered six common culprits. Read more:

Not sure? Read more >

Need some help figuring it out?

Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

Free Google Survey

Get your post-OE survey now

Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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