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Flimp / Products / Content-Driven Communications

Reach every employee, everywhere

Get 70% engagement rates

More than ever, employees use a dizzying array of channels. Simple text email isn’t enough. Meet employees in the channels they already spend time in with a multi-channel communications strategy.

And make it visual. 67% of employees complete tasks better when information is provided with visual content. 

Reach everyone, everywhere, anytime

Reach all employees in all channels, whether factory or frontline, office or remote. Share essential comms initiatives across multiple channels to ensure they are seen and acted on.

Digital Postcards

Level up your email campaigns with massively engaging Digital Postcards.


Ensure max visibility of your most essential comms with employee texting.

Benefits Guides

Create beautiful, inspiring benefits guides, quickly and affordably.


Centralize key employee information — like benefits overviews, onboarding plans, and more — with a microsite.

Print Materials

Print is still an essential channel for benefits engagement, especially when using QR codes in common areas.

Benefits Showcases

Replicate the classic benefits fair, but in a new and improved way. Help employees get the full benefits picture.

Cut through the noise

Can you really rely on emails to reach people with busy inboxes? Emails often go unread, rapidly buried within overwhelmed inboxes.

Our communications resources cut through the noise to deliver actionable information to employees in attractive, digestible formats. Our Digital Postcards alone see a 72% engagement rate during open enrollment campaigns.

How we're different

Other pre-made communications assets tend to be bland, generic, or irrelevant to your employee population. Flimp 360 communications, on the other hand, is like adding a marketing pro to your HR team — a benefits whiz who can design beautiful and engaging content-driven communications that speak to your employees throughout the year. That’s because we customize our campaigns for you. 

Do Even More With Flimp

A decision-support tool designed to be completed

Most tools take too long because they require too much up-front input from your employees to get accurate recommendations. The result? Employees don’t finish the tool, and they’re just as frustrated and confused as they were before you spent thousands of dollars on the platform.

Top-tier comms that reach every employee in every channel

Look like a marketing master
with compelling visual content
that inspires and educates
employees. Whether at home, in
the field, or in the office, ensure
your messaging gets through. Every employee, every channel.

Employee videos that improve engagement and literacy

Video is the bedrock of employee
education. Our pre-produced
benefits video library and skilled
production team can rapidly
deploy high-quality, engaging
employee videos on a range of
benefits and HR topics.

Start getting 70% engagement rates today.

Can you go another year with communications that don’t get seen, and benefits materials that don’t get read? Great comms campaigns improve employee satisfaction and retention. And, when paired with benefits decision support and video, you supercharge your efforts. 

"Flimp has allowed us to reach employees in all corners of the country with a crisp and consistent message. We have saved countless hours for the HR team and employees by replacing the traditional in-person meetings with a slick digital delivery."
Christy Fenner
HR Director, a.i. solutions
Free Google Survey

Get your post-OE survey now

Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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