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Flimp / Products / Communications / WorkforceTXT

Send benefits and HR messages to employees through mass texting

Use our WorkforceTXT® texting platform to ensure your most important and most urgent employee communications don’t go unread. Employee text messaging campaigns with Flimp drive employee engagement rates of 95 percent.

Bypass the email-inbox clutter

Whether you’re announcing new healthcare plans, sending educational content, pushing employees to meet their benefits-enrollment deadlines, sending compliance-critical documents, or communicating emergency information, some communications are too important to just send an email. Workforce texting is a proven solution to drive engagement, compliance, and urgency.

Set up easily — start using mass text messages to communicate with employees within 48 hours

You can get your first communications into your employees’ hands within 24-48 hours. 

  1. Sign up

  2. Load your employee CSV file

  3. Write your message

  4. Send it

Drive results

How many emails did you ignore today? What about texts? The reality is that texts get read, and read quickly. For your most critical and time-sensitive communications, sending via text alerts is an essential step. 

90 percent

of all texts are read in under 3 minutes

90 seconds

The time it takes the average person to respond to a text (compared to 90 minutes for email)

44 percent

of employees prefer texts for emergencies

98 percent

The average open rate for text message across multiple industries

employee texting stats

Amplify your message

Whether you run your own campaigns using our cloud-based software, or use Flimp’s services team to build and launch managed employee-comms campaigns, WorkforceTXT integrates right into those communication flows to amplify your message.

Send your first mass text campaign within 48 hours:

Build and Launch Campaigns, Quickly

Get set up and launch your campaigns within 24-48 hours. Setup, training and technical support are provided for free.

Reduce Your Workload with Managed Campaigns

Our managed texting campaigns drive 95% engagement. We build your audience, craft your messaging, and send your campaigns.

Reach the Right Employees With Multi-Tenant Texting

Whether you're a broker with a lot of clients, or a company with a lot of locations, a multi-tenant account will help you reach the right employees.


Need some help figuring it out?

Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

Free Google Survey

Get your post-OE survey now

Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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