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Flimp / Products / Employee Videos / Benefits Video Library

Explain the complex topics your employees care about

Our ever-expanding HR Benefits Video Library is filled with animated explainer videos (in English and Spanish) that help your employees understand the topics that matter to them. License videos individually or subscribe to the entire library.

HSAs, HDHPs, 401Ks, IRAs, FMLA, EAP, ACA, AD&D… W-H-A-T is all this?

That’s exactly what your employees are asking. They’re confused. They’re frustrated. They’re not going to take advantage of things they don’t understand. How can you bring clarity to their confusion? Well, 75% of employees say they prefer video over text-focused communication.

Your ticket to HR video content

If you’re like most HR teams, you know you need to use video in your employee communications, but your team doesn’t have the ability to create these videos. You could have custom videos produced, but that takes time and money. You could send YouTube links, but that’s unprofessional. 

The solution: tap into the power of an on-demand library of HR videos. All the educational topics you need, at your fingertips.

Wide range of topics

Whether you need to explain key insurance terms, help your employees understand HSAs and FSAs, or help them practice good physical and mental wellness… we have a video for you.

  • New videos added every year
  • We work with our customers to take requests and shape the library to fit their needs


Topics include:

• Health insurance
• Mental health
• Key terms
• Financial wellness
• Voluntary benefits
• And more
“I must say, I’m blown away by these videos! The videos were information and incredibly well done. By far the most professional benefits video I have ever seen, and I think new hire will love it, as it really explains things quite well.”
Gerry Smith III
HRIT Analyst, Taubman

We host, distribute, and provide you with advanced analytics

Once you license four or more videos or the entire library, our team will create a video portal for your employees to access on demand. Our analytics will tell you which videos got the most views, and which were the most engaging. 

Available in Spanish

Each of our videos is available in Spanish. We work with a very small number of Spanish voice actors in order to keep the translation and style consistent from video to video.

Sample Videos

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Multiple Ways to Leverage Our Library:

License a single video from our library

Have a specific need? You can license a single video from our library. The cost is $300/video per year. For $100, we’ll customize it with your logo on the opening and/or closing frames.

License multiple videos from our library

Want to use the entire library with your employees? License the full video library with a lifetime subscription, and you will also have permanent access to newly added and updated videos.

HR brokers: license the entire library

If you’re a benefits broker, providing video content to your clients is an essential need. Our HR Benefits Video Library lets you do that on a large scale across your entire client base.

Need some help figuring it out?

Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

Free Google Survey

Get your post-OE survey now

Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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