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Drive 70% engagement rates with actionable Digital Postcards

Employees love the visual layout and organization of Flimp’s Digital Postcards. They help you more effectively connect with and educate your entire workforce.

hr digital postcards employee engagement

What is a Digital Postcard?

Think of Flimp’s interactive Digital Postcards as trackable, mini-microsites that combine educational videos with links to supporting information. Your message is presented on a uniquely designed background with your video(s), branding, imagery, linked resources and options for additional tools, like decision support.

Direct access to enrollment sites, benefits portals, hosted documents and other helpful material gives your workforce an on-demand resource to enhance learning, improve engagement, and drive response.

Try it — send yourself a Digital Postcard:

    See for yourself. Let’s say you need to communicate about open enrollment and plan options, which email would work better: the standard email or the Digital Postcard?

    Standard Text Email

    It’s confusing to follow, unclear, and it’s not going to inspire clarity or action.

    Digital Postcard

    We do all the heavy lifting

    You provide your general messaging, linked content and branding, and we turn that into beautiful visual content. We enable you to distribute that content in your preferred method, then give you detailed, real-time reporting. 

    • Custom design
    • Coding and testing
    • Multiple delivery options
    • Reporting dashboard

    Send Digital Postcards multiple ways

    How you decide to deliver your Digital Postcards is up to you, but we recommend delivering them through multiple channels to further drive engagement. 

    • Internal email
    • Intranet or benefits portals
    • Custom web links
    • QR codes
    • Text messages

    Get analytical insights

    Get real-time feedback on campaign success.

    • Understand which areas people are clicking
    • Check embedded video results, and learn when viewers dropped off
    • Track campaign metrics like time on content, actions taken, and engagement rates

    Use this data to make decisions and improve your campaigns.

    Tell employee stories (DEI, appreciation, etc)

    Use Digital Postcards to highlight the success of your team members and the progress of your organization. Highlight exceptional work by managers or individual contributors, and update your staff on your ongoing work in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    Start today: improve your employee communications with Digital Postcards

    "Our HR team is so excited about the new digital postcards. They’ve allowed us to reach employees in all corners of the country with a crisp and consistent message. We’ve saved countless hours for the HR team and employees by replacing the traditional in-person meetings with a slick digital delivery. Time is money and the digital postcards allow us a more efficient approach to budgeting HR dollars."
    Christy Fenner
    HR Director, a.i. solutions

    Create Digital Postcards Yourself, Easily

    In addition to creating and launching communications campaigns featuring our Digital Postcards, we also have a proprietary platform to build them (and other visual content types).

    What's your use case?

    Whether it's open enrollment, new hire, or something else: see how we approach and solve the most common HR problems.

    Sample Digital Postcards

    Need some help figuring it out?

    Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

    Free Google Survey

    Get your post-OE survey now

    Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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