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Employee Communications

5 Techniques to Improve Benefits Enrollment
Benefits Decision Support

5 Techniques to Improve Benefits Enrollment

How can you make all the hard work you do preparing for open enrollment feel less like wasted effort and more like setting the stage for a productive and orderly enrollment process? Here are five practical tips for ensuring that this year, finally, all your preparation for open enrollment will have been worth it:

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best practices for creating hr digital postcards
Employee Benefits Communication

Best Practices for Creating HR Digital Postcards

A well-chosen print postcard — the kind you might send friends back home from a vacation destination — can convey the essence of a place with just a single picture and a few lines of text. A well-designed digital postcard can communicate even more.

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can you text your employees texting regulations
Employee Benefits Communication

Can You Text Your Employees? A Quick 101 on SMS Rules

Crucially, federal texting regulations apply to nearly any use of automated texting systems, regardless of the intended recipients. As an employer, if you text or plan to mass text your employees, you must understand and follow these regulations.

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