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HR and Employee Videos

5 Techniques to Improve Benefits Enrollment
Benefits Decision Support

5 Techniques to Improve Benefits Enrollment

How can you make all the hard work you do preparing for open enrollment feel less like wasted effort and more like setting the stage for a productive and orderly enrollment process? Here are five practical tips for ensuring that this year, finally, all your preparation for open enrollment will have been worth it:

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What Is a Digital Postcard?

Digital Postcards, a visual content form, are a fantastic resource to improve communications to employees. We’ve consistently seen over 70% engagement rates.  Flimp’s Digital Postcards are the answer to many internal, employee, and corporate communications needs. Open enrollment, benefits education, new-hire onboarding and training communications

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Employee Benefits Communication

[Free Video] Health Insurance Key Terms, Explained

Not understanding benefits terminology is near the top of the list of the many reasons that open enrollment and benefits selection stresses out employees. Employers that take the extra step to educate their employees on these key terms, in advance of, and during, benefits enrollment

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Change Management

Communicating with Employees About the COVID Vaccine

Are you concerned about navigating the COVID vaccination cycle? The flu vaccine is simple, but spend ten minutes browsing HR publications and major media sites and you’ll realize the COVID vaccine isn’t. Employers around the nation are struggling with: • How to determine whether they

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financial wellness impacts physical, mental and emotional wellness
Health and Wellness

Strength Through Financial Wellness

There are several types of wellness. Physical wellness is the one people are most familiar with, focused on making sure the body functions at optimal levels. People also have some familiarity with mental wellness, though it often (incorrectly) gets equated with mental health. Mental wellness

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video communications are merging with AI
Employee Communications

2020: An Exciting Year for Video Communication

Video communication is the most effective way to deliver information to the hearts and minds of your staff and 2020 isn’t going to change that. In the old days, the norm was using corporate training films shot by an outside firm that repackaged them for

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