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Reach your remote workforces

Break through the communications clutter and engage your remote workers. Better train them, engage them, retain them, and ensure they understand their benefits options.

Remote work reduces the rates of turnover and absenteeism, while improving recruitment and workplace productivity


56% of employees want to work remotely at least three days a week


55% of employers plan to reduce, or eliminate, their reliance on in-office work


30% of employees report personal expense-related savings of $5,000+/year



Helping remote employees understand their benefits options, choose their benefits, and hit enrollment deadlines is difficult.

Use Digital Postcards and employee training videos to improve benefits knowledge, and decision support to ensure easy decision making.

Onboarding remote employees to your organization is a challenge.

Use Employee Resource Centers to centralize onboarding plans and communications.

Current managers sometimes don’t have the skills to manage remote workforces.

Use employee training and communication best practices to ensure timely skill development.

Employees are unclear about workplace policies and requirements.

Use chaptered presentation videos to bring clarity to workplace policies.

Employees don’t know how to complete some basic tasks, like formally requesting time off, or finding team contact info.

Use Flimp to create lightweight microsites and portals to centralize the most common employee tasks and needs.

With numerous communication channels, it sometimes feels like you don’t know how to best reach your remote workers.

Employee texting cuts through the clutter of the inbox and the enterprise chat tool to ensure they read your most important messages.

Support Tools

Simplify benefits research and selection with a guided experience that also increases HDHP enrollment.


Our platform allows you to quickly and easily build, send, and track Digital Postcards and microsites.

HR Video

Explain the most complex HR topics by leveraging the power of our on-demand HR video library.


Break through the clutter of the email inbox. Make sure your employees read your messages and meet their deadlines.

License Our Solutions

We use these tools to create stellar engagement, and so can you. License our decision support, workforce texting, content-driven comms platform, or HR video library to improve your communication with remote workforces.

HR videos

Video is one of the top ways that employees prefer to receive information. Our video-production team creates hundreds of them every year.


Employees love visual content like our interactive Digital Postcards, which deliver 70%+ engagement rates on employee-comms campaigns.

and Portals

Reduce meetings, presentations, and redundant questions by centralizing the most critical information with microsites or portals.

Managed Campaigns

Want to improve remote workforce engagement, but need experienced creators? We can create a managed campaign for you.

With Us

Partner with our team to run your communication campaigns for you. With a large creative services team and years navigating employee engagement, we can build and send high-performing campaigns.

Need some help figuring it out?

Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

Free Google Survey

Get your post-OE survey now

Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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