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How Benefits Brokers Are Differentiating Themselves with Innovative Employee Communications

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

benefits broker at workEmployee benefits aren’t always easy to provide and communicate to the workers that need them. This is why human resources departments have to continually create new innovations in employee communications to help employees sign up for the benefits packages that are right for them. The HR industry in all sectors is already moving ahead with lightning speed in this area.

Employee communications have come a long way since the memos and TPS reports of “Office Space” over the last twenty years or so. HR departments have long been tasked with staying ahead of the times so their company’s employees can stay informed and engaged. Over the past five to ten years, employee communications has spilled over into the realm of video production and digital, cloud-based services designed to deliver information in easy-to-understand and digestible packets so employees can make the right decisions for themselves and their families quickly and easily.

Which Employee Communications Strategy Is Best for You?

healthcare and technologyEmployee communications and engagement is the key to creating a positive, productive corporate culture, which encourages employees to step up and become leaders. Many of the most effective tips for creating a useful employee communications strategy involve creating messaging that is clear and concise. Above all else, beyond the bells and whistles, the cloud-based communication strategies, etc., being crystal clear is the most important factor in employee engagement strategies. There’s been an emphasis on digital postcards on the Employee Communications Council because they’ve been shown to work well, delivering videos and graphics to employees who need clear, concise information that will keep them engaged.

A Rising Tide in Internal Communications

By now you’ve heard of several employee communications platforms that cater to an audience that appreciates video as a medium to express complex information clearly and succinctly. But an even more dramatic shift over the last several years in HR communications has been not just to video production, but to a general strategy aimed at workers who have less and less time to pour over employee benefits packets. The media for employee communications has changed, but the overall style of internal communication has been a key driver of employee engagement across multiple industries. New, advanced technology in this area is shifting to harness this shift, rather than the other way around. Especially in today’s political climate, which has thrown things like healthcare into doubt for employees, the need for employee benefits packages to be understood and used is even higher. No matter what form your internal communications and engagement initiatives take, they need to be clear and easy for your employees to use. That means clean, easy benefits packages.

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