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Change Management

Change Management

How to Show Employee Appreciation Every Day

How do you feel when someone shows appreciation and recognition of a project you completed successfully? You feel good, proud, and valued. It builds your self-worth. Well, your employees, are just like you. They need and enjoy employee recognition and appreciation for the work they

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Change Management

Communicating with Employees About the COVID Vaccine

Are you concerned about navigating the COVID vaccination cycle? The flu vaccine is simple, but spend ten minutes browsing HR publications and major media sites and you’ll realize the COVID vaccine isn’t. Employers around the nation are struggling with: • How to determine whether they

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digital communications for virtual open enrollment
Benefits Decision Support

Embrace the Digital Postcard for Virtual Open Enrollment 2020

This year presents a new reason to take a second look at how digital postcards improve the open enrollment process. The disruption caused by the pandemic brought an end to in-person enrollment meetings and benefits-onboarding presentations for HR and benefits providers. Workforces are virtual and

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