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Level up your ben admin with visual content and decision support

Visual content and video drive clarity. Decision support drives enrollment. And partnership drives your ben admin to new heights.

Benefits Administration Partner

Create clear differentiation against your competitors

When employer organizations leave ben admins, it’s usually for two reasons: low benefits utilization and frustrated employees. A partnership with Flimp allows you to offer white-glove service and white-labeled solutions for each of those issues.

Our communication tools enable quick and easy creation of visual content.

Our HR video library and production team let you drive benefits literacy through video.

Our employee-texting platform generates 90%+ response rates and engagement.

Our benefits decision-support tool (starting at $8 PEPY) drives enrollment and HDHP migration.

Support a self-service-enrollment model for your employers

The market has shifted. Employees increasingly want a self-service model, and employers are listening. Are you enabling this transition?

By providing visual educational content, video libraries, and decision support, you’re able to position yourself against other ben admins as a partner who can enable your customers to meet their self-service needs.

benefits administrator decision support tool

Drive benefits enrollment and simplify messaging for employees

Aflac found that 40% of employees would rather pick up dog poop than research their benefits during open enrollment. That’s what you’re up against: frustrated and confused employees. 

We enable you to create fun, engaging, and educational communications campaigns. And our benefits decision-support tool takes only five minutes for the employee to complete, costs start at $8 PEPY, and we handle all the setup for you… in only 48 hours.

Level up your ben admin with visual content and decision support

Benefits administrators get priority pricing. A partnership with Flimp is a very good thing: let’s talk and see how we can enable you to better differentiate yourself, give you the ability to offer a self-service model, and improve benefits-enrollment rates.

"I like to think of Flimp as accessible, affordable, and accommodating. What they have enabled me to do for my own clients is nothing short of incredible.

They’re supportive, their onboarding process is easy, and their tools and services are some of the best in the marketplace.

The best part is that their mix of software and creative services means their solutions are flexible, and they can be a real asset to help clients meet their needs.”
Ron Torrance
Head of Benefits, Enova International

Communications Solutions for HR Teams

We help HR teams solve some of the thorniest problems, like open enrollment, employee onboarding, retention, and year-round employee engagement.

Learn About Flimp

What do we do? How do we do it? Why do we do it? How successful are we? And what does "Flimp" even mean? Get all those questions answered on our About Flimp page.

Need some help figuring it out?

Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

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Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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