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Your enrollment firm's tech stack and back office, all in one place

Make more money by driving enrollment, save money through consolidating your tech stack, and use our platform and creative team as an extension of your own.

Drive better benefits enrollment and make more money

You know exactly what it takes to drive a successful open enrollment:

  • Create content that helps employees understand their options.
  • Create customized campaigns that ensure employees meet deadlines. 
  • Create clarity around benefits through one-to-one, one-to-few, and one-to-many communications.

A partnership with Flimp allows you to do that at a greater scale, with a more profitable cost model, and a wider range of offerings (including HR videos and decision support).

Expand your offerings into the rest of the value chain

As other types of companies (benefits administrators, carriers, and decision-support tools) have expanded their offerings, it’s come at your expense. Increasingly, they’re promising self-service models that encroach on your territory. 

A partnership with Flimp allows you to offer a wider breadth of offerings to your customers: white-labeled benefits decision-support software, top-notch employee videos, and visual-content campaigns. 

Stand out from your competitors and stand up against other types of companies offering self-service enrollment.

Consolidate your tech stack and save money

You’re probably using a texting tool, a video tool, a content-creation tool, an email tool, and a benefits-administration tool. While we don’t offer a tool that helps facilitate the technical side of enrollment, we do offer technology that helps you communicate visually, create clarity around benefits, and improve benefits-enrollment rates. And it allows you to offer some self-service options for your clients.

Our communication tools enable quick and easy creation of visual content.

Our HR video library and production team let you drive benefits literacy through video.

Our employee-texting platform generates 90%+ response rates and engagement.

Our benefits decision-support tool (starting at $8 PEPY) drives enrollment and HDHP migration.

Our team is your team

You may not know this, but, in our early days, we did a lot of agency work. That core is still in our DNA, even as we transition to a tech-forward offering. We help hundreds of employers every year to craft communications campaigns and videos. 

For enrollers like you who use communication campaigns to drive results, we can slot right into your own creative efforts to improve your reach, scale, creativity, and results.

Partner with us to make more money and expand your offerings

We love working with enrollment firms, and we offer favorable pricing for them. A partnership with Flimp is a very good thing: let’s talk and see how we can enable you to level up your market offering.

"I like to think of Flimp as accessible, affordable, and accommodating. What they have enabled me to do for my own clients is nothing short of incredible.

They’re supportive, their onboarding process is easy, and their tools and services are some of the best in the marketplace.

The best part is that their mix of software and creative services means their solutions are flexible, and they can be a real asset to help clients meet their needs.”
Ron Torrance
Head of Benefits, Enova International

Communications Solutions for HR Teams

We help HR teams solve some of the thorniest problems, like open enrollment, employee onboarding, retention, and year-round employee engagement.

Learn About Flimp

What do we do? How do we do it? Why do we do it? How successful are we? And what does "Flimp" even mean? Get all those questions answered on our About Flimp page.

Need some help figuring it out?

Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

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Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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