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How to Manage HR Transformation in the Work from Home Era​

Beep, beep, beep! That’s the sound of the alarm clock. It’s 7:45 am, and you have an 8:00 am meeting—you’re late! Oh wait, you’re working from home today. So actually, you’re right on time. You roll out of bed, rub the sleep out of your eyes, put on your finest loungewear, brush your hair, fire up the Keurig machine, grab your laptop, and press the power button. You find yourself sitting in the Zoom waiting room at 7:59 am. Huzzah! Welcome to the remote-work era.

But what does that mean for HR teams? In this ebook, you’re going to learn:

  • Up-to-date stats from PwC research about the future of work. 
  • The core upsides and downsides of remote work.
  • The specific ways that HR professionals, teams, and entire companies will need to transform in order to meet the demands of this new era.
  • Tons of actionable advice and inspiring examples.

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