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Effective Leadership Skills for Better Performance and Increased Productivity

Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels

effective leadership increases productivityAs the head, you need to hone your leadership skills to levels where your team draws motivation, inspiration and positive energy from you. There’s no way to instill positive energy without giving 100% as a leader. Effective leadership and management principles have always talked about the binding and motivating power a charismatic leader has on their team.

What Are These Leadership Skills You Need to Nurture, Promote and Exhibit?

There are two key leadership team development factors that will always work when you want to increase motivation and productivity among your employees.


Practice Aiming at Perfection

It may not be possible for anyone or anything to ever actually be perfect. However, one of the key leadership qualities of an effective and charismatic leader is their ability to foster a culture where nothing but the best is acceptable of them and their team—“the best” here being as close to perfection as possible. And, with practice, consistency, and a supportive atmosphere, aiming for perfection becomes the norm among employees and the results then reflect it through higher quality work, elevated production levels and increased motivation.

Make Perseverance Part of Your Company’s Culture

Challenging tasks, challenging economic conditions, challenging deadlines… At one time or another, you’ll hear the exclamation, ‘Oh, this is impossible!’ A key quality of effective leadership and management is the ability to instill a stubborn persistence in your employees, to get your team to aim at making the impossible possible. If your team is motivated enough, nothing will be impossible for them under your strategic leadership. They’ll be able to not only “find a way,” but also ensure that the task is completed with the best possible outcome. The key to success in this case is perseverance and unshakable belief in leadership and management’s abilities. Work to make perseverance a cultural norm in your company.

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