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Employee Communications Tips for Improved Employee Retention

Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels

employee communications meetingGood employee communications skills have always been the key to increased motivation and production in the workplace. This is even more important when changes have to be implemented at macro or micro levels. The focus today is on healthcare provisions, owed to the upcoming reforms, which may or may not be received very well—depending on how they’re communicated.

Make Them See It as Glass Half Full, Not Glass Half Empty

It takes excellent leadership skills to be able to project change as a positive aspect every time it is introduced in the company. In this case, you’ll need to harness the maximum power of your leadership qualities to ensure your employees perceive the changes in healthcare benefit plans as a positive move. Here are a few strategic leadership tips that can strengthen your stand and bring in positive results from your employees in terms of higher loyalty, higher productivity and higher retention rates.

Use The Right Employee Communications Methods

There is no ‘one size fits all’ in this field. Each company has its own style of working, culture, levels of technology usage, and so on. Combine your best leadership and management skills to draw up a method that will disseminate information about the healthcare benefit plans in the most effective way for your workforce.

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SCR) Is an Add-On

The SCR will actually challenge your business leadership skills. This is because you will need to use it and get your employees to use it, while at the same time draw their attention to the healthcare benefits and wellness plans as you intend them to be seen in your company. This calls for appropriate employee communications methods where you get them focused on the best side of the change.

Wellness Programs Needs to Be Followed Through at a Micro Level

An add on to the good side of the healthcare benefits is the introduction of wellness programs that are designed to keep employees healthy and minimize health risks. You will need a carefully orchestrated strategic leadership plan and excellent employee communications methods to ensure that the wellness plan is not only common knowledge, but is followed and adopted willingly by employees in the company.

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