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How Employee Video Communications Greatly Improves Engagement

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

engaging video communicationsEmployee video communications using “digital video postcards” has been shown to improve overall employee engagement. The data collected and reported in Flimp Communications 2017 Employee Video Communications Report, proves it. Why are these campaigns so successful?

The numbers from Flimp Communications’ 2017 Employee Video Communication Report show improved communication breadth and better engagement from 200 digital postcard employee communication campaigns. For the first three months of 2017, Flimp tested 200 campaigns involving 875,000 employees across 159 organizations. The rates of improvement by all measures when these companies used digital video postcards to communicate benefits information, company policies and procedures, and more, were astounding.

Employee Video Communications Using Digital Video Postcards Gets Results

employee video communications reportOverall, the results from using digital video postcards were impressive:

• 76% engagement rate

• 139% video-viewing rate

• 147% response rate

• 03:20 time spent with content

Most of these digital video postcards were sent to employees using email, similar to how many organizations use their employee video communication materials. In total, the Flimp research team sent 875,873 emails to employees participating in the study. The digital video postcards got 665,664 views in all. Each digital postcard included at least one video, hosted documents, and an average of four links or buttons for the viewer to engage with. These postcards got 978,114 total button clicks and 926,649 total video plays.

How Do Digital Video Postcards Improve Employee Video Communications

We know by now that employee video communications are the wave of the future. People engage more easily and readily with video content than with written content, and organizations can create engaging video content much faster and much cheaper than ever before. Employee video communications save organizations money on creating physical materials to hand out to employees and usually cost the employee less time than attending training classes or seminars on how to perform tasks or to sign up for benefits packages. The Flimp 2017 Employee Video Communication Report found that company emails were extremely effective at delivering digital postcards, with some help from other delivery methods such as in-person or one-on-one meetings, their internal employee communications platforms, and more. Supplemented with additional delivery methods and reinforced by competent, in-the-loop managers, digital video postcards are extremely effective because of how they present information and make it much easier for employees to wade through the various trainings and meetings they tend to groan about. Employees want to be productive. They want to work and improve themselves and the company every day. With effective and fast employee video communications forms such as digital video postcards, they can get the information they need and get to work faster, improving productivity and lowering training costs for any organization.

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