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Flimp Featured: Navigating Office Politics with Heather Smith and the Forbes HR Council

Lauryn Nosek

Lauryn Nosek

When people work together day after day, many lifelong relationships will be built, but inevitably, disagreements will occur. This is true even when most or all employees are working remotely.

Learning how to deal with differences and work together is one of the crucial skills every professional needs to learn. Heather Smith, our Chief People Officer, and ten other members of the Forbes Human Resources Council came together to discuss their strategies for navigating office politics.

Her answer?

Often it can be as simple as inclusion and collaboration. A willingness to share your ideas, bounce ideas off others and ask for others’ opinions tends to lead to less adverse politics. Including key people from key departments in the work you are doing often holds a lot of weight and value as you navigate company politics.

Click here to read the rest of the answers.

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