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Flimp / Products 

More than twice the engagement of competitors at a fraction of the cost

Benefits Decision Support, Communications and
Video in a One-Stop Shop

Great benefits enrollment campaigns have three things in common:

But doing all three is usually expensive, or a lot of work. Not with Flimp.

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are you ready for open enrollment

More than 750 HR teams trust Flimp to reach their employees

Flimp Has Figured Out the Formula

We’ve helped HR team send thousands of benefits-enrollment campaigns to millions of employees at organizations of all shapes and sizes. 

Our campaigns get 70%+ engagement rates

Used by 50+ Fortune 500 companies

40% completion rates, 2-4x higher than top competitors

Branded, cohesive designs across all your communications

Getting Started Is Simple

We’ll hop on a demo, which usually takes less than 30 minutes. Once you’re ready to go, we get to work:

  • You give us your brand guidelines and benefits plans.
  • Your project manager takes the lead, provides a timeline, and updates you at every milestone.
  • We do all of the heavy lifting: we set up your decision-support tool, design your communication, and produce your videos (from scripting to delivery).
The whole process takes about 3-5 weeks.
“Our organization underwent major benefit carrier changes. In an effort to ease the transition, we eagerly sought resources that would enable us to provide clear, polished and engaging communications.

I highly recommend Flimp Communications to any organization seeking innovative and effective employee communications tools.”
Stephanie Fedoroff
Director of Benefits, School District of Philadelphia

There's Still Time to Be the Benefits Hero Your Employees Need This Open Enrollment

The world has changed and so have the expectations of your employees. They need easy-to-understand resources and tools that enable them to make smart decisions. Now you can meet their needs. (And, in the process, save your company a heck of a lot of money.)

Reduce Healthcare Spending

Smart decision making is prudent decision making. When your employees make smart health plan decisions, you save money.

Increase Benefits Literacy and Appreciation

Most of the time, when employees don't like their benefits, it's because they don't understand them or know how to take advantage of them.

Improve Employee Retention

When employees understand and love their benefits, they're far less likely to go looking for greener pastures.

Can You Afford to Keep Doing What You've Always Done?

Of course, you could keep doing things the way you’ve always done them. But, if you’re here, it’s probably because you feel like you put in so much effort during benefits-enrollment season, but get so little appreciation.

Wrangling employees is like herding cats

You have the same meetings day after day

Preparing for open enrollment takes countless hours

Your important emails go unread

You answer the same questions over and over

Your employees are frustrated with their beneifts

Is Flimp Right for You?

For around $10 per employee, per year, you can get:

  • Decision support: PLANselect for core medical and BENEFITchoice for voluntary/supplemental benefits
  • Communications: Digital Postcard to serve up everything employees need on a particular topic, like open enrollment or new-hire onboarding
  • Video: two-minute Customized Explainer Video and HR Benefits Video Library (75+ titles in English and Spanish) with a branded landing page

Want to reach more employees, in more channels, with more content? We can do that too.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did you estimate your engagement rate versus your competitors?

This is based on interviewing hundreds of customers who have swapped a competing decision-support tool for our own. Most customers report a 10-20% completion rate for their employees who use competing tools. We've designed our tool from the ground up to reduce friction, while improving benefits literacy and enrollment.

What does implementation look like, and how long does it take?

The whole process takes 3-5 weeks (depending on deliverables), and we do most of the heavy lifting for you. Once we get started, we'll ask you to fill out a short questionnaire, share your benefits plan (if you have it), and provide us with your brand guidelines. We take it from there and check in with you regularly throughout production.

How many hours should I plan to implement Flimp?

Usually no more than one hour a week. Implementing Flimp is mostly a hands-off process, we do it for you. And we do it quickly—our decision-support platform can be set up in less than a week, for example.

What does your communications content look like? Will it fit my brand?

Everything we create for you will reflect your brand, and understanding your brand guidelines is a critical first step when we kick off a project. We'll work with you to establish visual style and design reference points to ensure we meet your expectations right off the bat.

Why should I choose Flimp?

Imagine you had another member of your team, a marketing pro and benefits whiz, who designs beautiful and engaging content-driven communications, guides each and every employee to smarter benefits decisions, and works year-round to help your employees understand and love their benefits. That’s Flimp. It saves you time, money, and frees you up to do more of what you're passionate about as an HR leader.

How do I get started?

Getting started is pretty simple. It starts with a consultation or demo, where we'll review your current campaigns and use cases. This process takes under 30 minutes and you'll also leave it with actionable insights and campaign examples, whether you choose to work with us or not.

Free Google Survey

Get your post-OE survey now

Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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