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Improve Employee HSA Contributions with a Digital Postcard and Explainer Video

When employees contribute to their HSAs, employers save on FICA taxes: nearly 8% per dollar of contribution. HR teams who are able to increase employee HSA contributions not only have happier employees…but happier CFOs.

Employees don’t contribute to HSAs when they don’t understand them. Digital Postcards, which drive 70% engagement, are one of the best educational devices that employers can deploy. Learn more about Digital Postcards →

Use This Form to Get Started:

    Step 1

    Fill out the form to get started. Let us know if you want a consultation (to learn more), or just want us to go ahead and send you an estimate.

    Step 2

    Once the estimate has been approved, we’ll send you a super-short design brief to fill out. Should take you no longer than 30 minutes or so.

    Step 3

    Once we have your design brief, we’ll get to work on your Digital Postcard. You’ll get it back within 7-10 days, with two free rounds of revisions.

    Step 4

    Send it and analyze it. We’ll give you in-depth best practices on sending your postcard, as well as a link to your reporting dashboard.

    Sample Postcard

    Custom background with your logo, colors, and style

    Easy-to-understand HSA explainer video to educate employees

    Introductory messaging that serves as a quick overview

    An explanation of the triple tax advantage of HSAs

    Information explaining the 2021 IRS contribution limits

    A link to a list of eligible expenses for HSA spending

    Link to their HSA portal, where they can make contributions

    Contact info for employee questions or a link to your calendar tool

    Improve Employee HSA Contributions with a Digital Postcard and Explainer Video

    When employees contribute to their HSAs, employers save on FICA taxes: nearly 8% per dollar of contribution. HR teams who are able to increase employee HSA contributions not only have happier employees…but happier CFOs.

    Employees don’t contribute to HSAs when they don’t understand them. Digital Postcards, which drive 70% engagement, are one of the best educational devices that employers can deploy. Learn more about Digital Postcards →

    Use This Form to Get Started:

      Free Google Survey

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      Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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