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Flimp / Flimp 360 / Communications / Benefits Guides

Get a beautifully designed benefits guide — dozens of style options

Too often, employee benefits guides are poorly designed and written, so they don’t get used. A beautifully designed guide that’s easy to navigate and well written helps employees (and spouses) understand and appreciate your benefits offerings and assists them in making better-informed decisions.

  • Rapid development in as little as 2 weeks
  • Leverage our content library filled with engaging content and visuals
  • Deploy it in multiple ways — a PDF, a flipbook, a presentation, and more.

Access Our 50+ Benefits Guide Templates:

Three Advantages of Flimp's Benefits Guides

Create Beautiful Guides from Dozens of Designs

Rather than starting your benefits guide from scratch, start with a doc from our design library.

Speed Up Development with Best Practice Language

Not sure what to say? We have a library of easy-to-understand message points about the most common topics.

Level Up Benefits Guides with Companion Pieces

Reinforce your benefits with companion print materials, like postcards, one-pagers, & newsletters.

fast design

Can Be Ready in As Little As 1 Week

You may be used to benefits guides taking months to get ready. But with the Flimp process, HR teams that heavily tap into our design and content library can have guides ready in as little as a week. Your account manager and project manager will work with you to determine final timeline. 

Template or Fully-Custom Available

No matter how simple or complex your benefits guide is, or how rigid or flexible your design guidelines are, we have a solution for you. 

Need something fully-custom? With this option, we develop a new design and layout with your input to createa truly unique guide customized with your branding, colors, images, and benefits details.

video benefits overview

Create a Presentation Version

Planning on giving benefits presentations? We can convert your benefits guide into a matching presentation. We can even convert your presentation into a recorded video with professional voiceover. 

Do Even More With Flimp 360

A decision-support tool designed to be completed

Most tools take too long because they require too much up-front input from your employees to get accurate recommendations. The result? Employees don’t finish the tool, and they’re just as frustrated and confused as they were before you spent thousands of dollars on the platform.

Top-tier comms that reach every employee in every channel

Look like a marketing master
with compelling visual content
that inspires and educates
employees. Whether at home, in
the field, or in the office, ensure
your messaging gets through. Every employee, every channel.

Employee videos that improve engagement and literacy

Video is the bedrock of employee
education. Our pre-produced
benefits video library and skilled
production team can rapidly
deploy high-quality, engaging
employee videos on a range of
benefits and HR topics.

Free Google Survey

Get your post-OE survey now

Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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