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Tired of employees ignoring your emails?

There’s a better way.

We make it easy to create and distribute targeted, personalized, and attention-grabbing communications. Email, postcards, video training, microsites, decision support, employee texting, & more. Omnichannel communications get attention, improve employee knowledge, and drive response and action.

700+ HR teams use Flimp to create remarkable open enrollment results

Benefits Communication and Decision-Support Tools

Flimp boosts employee perception of your health and welfare benefits with engaging digital content, communications, and decision-support tools. 



Leverage video to explain benefits and other complex topics

Video Library
Customized Explainers
Chaptered Presentations

Tracked multimedia sites with videos and embedded content

Digital Postcards
Virtual Benefits Fairs


Affordable digital and print graphic-design services

PDFs and Flipbooks
Flyers and Postcards

Tools and Services


Help employees choose the right health plan and voluntary benefits for their unique needs



Reach remote and mobile-first employees quickly and consistently with WorkforceTXT®

Managed Campaigns
Self-Service Platform


Easily create, host, manage, distribute, and track more engaging and effective communications

Managed Campaigns
Self-Service Platform

Creative Services for HR Teams

HR Videos

Employees digest information better when it’s video. Our production team can create videos for you, on any topic, on time and within your budget.


Two-thirds of employees report they complete tasks better with visual content. We see 70%+ engagement rates with our interactive Digital Postcards.

and Portals

Our mobile-friendly, on-demand microsites contain all your benefits materials and other resources so employees can easily access the info they need.


Our services team has launched thousands of engaging comms campaigns. Partner with us to improve your communications.


Download: The Open Enrollment Case Study and Trends Report

Analytics, Insights, and Industry Benchmarks from 200 Campaigns


Our HR Software and Solutions

Support Tools

Our tools guide your employees to the right plan for their needs, on average 20% shift to HDHPs, saving everyone more money.


Our communications platform allows you to quickly and easily build, send, and track digital postcards and microsites.

HR Video

Our library is filled with 70+ educational videos that help your employees understand the most complex topics.


Break through inbox clutter. Use text messaging to make sure your most important messages get read.

How we help HR teams:

Open enrollment made easy

Help employees understand their benefits, make good decisions, and meet enrollment deadlines.

Explain complex topics

Your employees will never have to ask again about HMOs, PPOs, HSAs, IRAs, 401Ks, HDHPs, and other complicated topics.

Onboard and retain talent

Upgrade your onboarding to improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Transition to digital communication

Digital communications have better engagement, response, and action.

Drive retirement planning

One-third of all American families have nothing saved for retirement. Don’t let your employees be a part of that group.

Remain flexible in your communication

Whether they prefer written content or video, English or Spanish, desktops or smartphones — you can use Flimp to make meaningful connections.

Make decisions with data

Our tools and campaigns collect engagement and behavioral data that helps you understand the impact of your communications. Use these insights to better serve your employees.

Achieve your goals at your budget

Whether your HR team has a lot of folks, or a few, or a lot of money, or a little, we have a solution to help you help your employees.

“Our organization underwent major benefit carrier changes. In an effort to ease the transition, we eagerly sought resources that would enable us to provide clear, polished and engaging communications.

In the end, we got exactly what we had hoped for. Moreover, Flimp’s team of dedicated professionals did an exceptional job of guiding us through the communications development process, meeting project deliverables, and proactively following up with us to ensure our needs were met to our satisfaction.

I highly recommend Flimp Communications to any organization seeking innovative and effective employee communications tools.”
Stephanie Fedoroff
Director of Benefits, School District of Philadelphia

Sound good?
Let’s get started.

We’ll listen to your core problems, give you advice to solve your most complex problem, and give you a demo.

Not ready yet?
That’s okay.

Whether you’re looking for more insight to our products or solutions, we have a place for you. 

Hundreds of HR teams and brokers trust our tools and campaigns to drive results


50+ Fortune 500 companies use Flimp's solutions to improve their employee communications


Flimp employee communication campaigns get over 70% engagement rates


Flimp helped communicate with over 1.5m employees in 2020...during open enrollment alone

Need some help figuring it out?

Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

Free Google Survey

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Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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