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Mental Health and Wellness Tag

Financial strife, uncertainty, social isolation – COVID-19 has affected the lives of more than just those infected, and it goes beyond fear of contracting the virus. As we enter our seventh month of pandemic living, the societal changes haven’t gotten easier. We’re all still navigating...

The pandemic has created an economic disaster for every nation. By many measures, it’s worse than the Great Depression. One of the main measures is Gross Domestic Product (which has plummeted), but the metric that means more to a majority of people is the jobless...

Chief People Officer, Heather Smith, continues to turn her experience into advice for the Forbes Human Resources Council. This month she's examining another challenge HR leaders face that the pandemic is making worse: time off. Her recently published article, "Encourage Taking Time Off – Yes, Even...

Is your team returning to the office in the near future? Are you developing a change management plan to help employees adapt to the new normal while taking the necessary safety precautions? You're not alone! Unfortunately, COVID-19 isn't going away any time soon. Companies all...

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