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Launch visual employee communications campaigns, quickly and easily

Our platform allows you to quickly build, send, and analyze content-driven employee communications. And it’s built for non-designers and non-techies.

tool to create visual employee content

Employees want visual content. Are you giving it to them?

Only 35% of HR professionals say their internal communications efforts are “very effective.” 75% of employees say they’d prefer video or other design-driven communications over simple text emails. But most HR teams don’t have designers or video producers on their teams. We have a solution for that.

License our platform

  • Professionally designed templates and modules
  • Easy to use
  • Integrates with our library of HR explainer videos
  • Our team will work with you to create initial templates that fit your branding

Have us create your campaigns

  • Help your employees understand benefits and encourage them to meet enrollment deadlines
  • Onboard new employees
  • Produce customized explainer videos
  • Analyze and report campaign insights

Create and edit employee communications

Imagine a world where you can design employee microsites, Digital Postcards, benefits portals, new-hire communications, and more… without a designer. Our communications platform is filled with professionally designed templates and easy-builder tools that enable you to quickly create engaging employee communications. And it’s easy to clone and update content.

create visual employee communications

Digital Postcards

Immediately upgrade your communications with interactive Digital Postcards.

Microsites and portals

Create something better than complex corporate intranets or disconnected benefits portals.

Offer HR collateral

Upload and track other types of collateral, like posters, graphics, or brochures.

Leverage videos from our library

Videos generate better engagement and explain complex topics consistently.

Reinforce your message

Visual content reinforces your message, making learning easier.

On-demand access

Embed content anywhere and allow permanent access. Protect the page with a password.

Match your branding

Set your defaults fonts and colors to ensure brand consistency.

Stop answering repeat questions

Create resource centers that cut down on redundant questions and meetings.

Mobile friendly

Build communications and microsites that also look great on mobile.

Send employee communications

Deliver your visual content how you want: email it, text it, embed it on your intranet, or access it via scannable QR code. Use the platform to generate linked thumbnails and deploy your trackable assets via integration with 50+ email service providers.

ways to send visual content communications HR


Create visuals to include in your internal emails or send with tracking codes through 50+ ESPs.


Integrate live links with your employee-texting tool, or use our WorkforceTXT platform.


Insert your visual communications on any site or intranet.

QR code

Generate QR codes that take your employees on demand to your visual content. Print QR codes and use them in public spaces.

Easily shareable

Employees can easily share live links to educational materials with relevant family members. 

Always up to date

When things change, as they always do, you can rest assured your live hosted content is updated without redistribution.

Analyze employee communications

Don’t guess what worked and what didn’t. Dig into granular data that will help you make decisions about your future employee communications campaigns.

All of your metrics are collected into a reporting dashboard.

metrics to track employee communications

Employee engagement

See what percentage of your employees clicked through and viewed your content.

Behavioral analysis

See how many actions your employees took, and which content was accessed most.

Time on content

Understand how much time employees spent viewing your content, especially videos.

Check your dashboard

Analytics are pulled together into a visual dashboard for easy reviewing and sharing.

Make decisions

Use your dashboard to understand how employees responded.

Improve your campaigns

Use your conclusions to improve your messaging and plan future topics.

Get started with the platform

Get started now (with a demo) and our expert content team will build three custom-branded templates for you.

"We have used Flimp and their software for a number of years; the software and digital campaigns are just what we need to reach potential buyers. The best asset of the Flimp team is their customer service. They are readily available and willing to assist in troubleshooting any problem."
Maribeth Ball
Director of Marketing, Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Need some help figuring it out?

Let’s talk about your challenges, goals, and timelines to determine the right services and solution for your team. We won’t bite.

Free Google Survey

Get your post-OE survey now

Just give us your email below. A member of our team will create your survey on Google Forms and then add you as an editor. From there, it’s very simple to edit and launch!

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