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Three Reasons to Use Video Communications for Staff Training and Education

James Daniels

James Daniels

staff trainingFinding interesting ways to share important information with employees about company successes and corporate initiatives, to train employees on new products and services, and to engage staff when they’re busy with day-to-day tasks can be a challenge, but it’s one well worth addressing. Good communications with staff (and vendors too) across a business leads to better working cultures, greater brand coherence, and increased morale. And, of course, keeping your staff well trained and educated gives you a competent and reliable workforce to represent your business and brand to customers.

Video is a great way to share messages with employees across your organization quickly and efficiently and is used by many companies to inform, train and educate. Video communications ensure you’re leveraging the growing 2016 trend of people wanting visual experiences they can access anytime and on any device. To help, here are three reasons communicating with video works well.

1. Communications You Can View Anywhere

flexible viewingThanks to the rise in mobile technology, most of your staff have a smartphone or tablet whether you provide company phones or not (visit if you need to use a locked phone). This means they will be able to watch video communications conveniently wherever and whenever they want. So, even if desk time is filled with other tasks, they can watch video communication during their commute, while at lunch or at any otherwise dead time.

2. Video More Engaging Than Text

Mobile phones allow employees to read other kinds of communications when they want to, however, video email communication is more memorable and stands out from other emails and communications. Some people don’t like reading long documents or articles or learn and absorb information better in a visual format. Video is easy to fit into your limited time because it’s clear from the outset exactly how long a video takes to view, whereas with a document it’s not immediately clear how much time the reader needs to set aside to master the key concepts and messaging.

3. Easy to Create Video Production

filming testimonial videoA video communication can be recorded professionally with a voiceover or more simply from a computer or smartphone and still look professional and have personal touch. If you want to demonstrate something for training purposes or a new product your company is selling, video makes this easier to than any other medium without requiring a lot of preparation. You can also use simple video editing tools to turn a presentation into a video with an audio track and animations, which will be more engaging than just sending out some PowerPoint slides with notes. Or you can work with companies to turn your boring PPT into a professional, chaptered video to deliver to employees. As companies begin using video for employee communications, they’re finding it’s quicker to make simple videos than to draft and send out complex documents.

These are just some of the reasons you might want to consider for using video in your company communications, if you don’t do so already. It can be easy to execute, staff find it interesting and engaging, and it gives employees plenty of freedom about how, when and where to view things.

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