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Using an Employee Wellness Program to Manage Stress in the Workplace

Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels

stress in the workplace

stress in the workplaceStress is one of the leading causes of absenteeism and health problems in Americans. Work is one of the top five reasons why American are stressed, but this doesn’t have to be true for the employees in your workplace. With an employee wellness program, you can help to minimize the amount of stress in the workplace in your company.

Why an Employee Wellness Program Would Work

When we’re stressed, we do anything to avoid whatever is causing it. In this case, if work is the cause, then you can guarantee that absenteeism is going to peak. With an employee wellness program, you can communicate with stressed workers and offer assistance relieving some of that stress. The program should focus on finding out why employees are stressed and then act to alleviate the problem. For instance, if there are poor interpersonal relationships and poor communication with coworkers, then the focus would be on opening or building that connection in a safe environment.

Steps for Reducing Stress in the Workplace

stress relief therapyThere are multiple reasons why employees experience stress in the workplace, but there are some simple steps employers and managers can take to help reduce job-related stress. Here are a couple of things you can try in your workplace:

• Make sure employees are only doing jobs that are within their sphere of responsibility. Be clear about job descriptions and update them with any changes to responsibilities, to avoid miscommunication.

• Evaluate employees to see if there’s a more suitable position that would be less stressful.

• If an employee wellness program or other interventions don’t help the employee manage job stress, consider laying off the worker. It is better for their health and for the productivity of your company.

• Promote open communication between coworkers by assigning group projects or rewarding teamwork.

Sometimes, stress is a part of the job description, but it’s all in the way that you handle it. By offering an employee wellness program, you can help make working at your company less stressful.

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