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Three Corporate Communication Factors That Spell Good Business Leadership

Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels

corporate communication feedback

employees comfortable and respectedGood business leadership means great profits. If you dissect the manner in which world leader companies function, you’ll observe that most work with an almost flat hierarchy. One of the most important leadership qualities reflected here is eloquence in corporate communication.

How Corporate Communication Bolsters Good Business Leadership

In successful, world-class companies, communication flows as easily from the top down as it does from the bottom up. This nurtures and encourages a leadership team development culture that promotes mutual respect, trust and clarity about goals, vision, ethics and direction.

Here are three corporate communication factors that will put the company on the path to success:

Employees Know What Benefits They Get and Expect

One of the most important aspects of good leadership and management is being as transparent as possible. The employees should have adequate communication to understand what their benefits are (as well as any changes year to year), what they should expect as benefits in the future, and what the scope is for professional growth and development.

Continuous Two-Way Feedback

corporate communication feedbackGood business leadership means you’re always looking for ways to improve. To do this, the employees must not only have access to continuous and constructive feedback on how they are performing, but have the means to provide their own feedback to leadership on processes and issues they feel need to be addressed. That’s why active listening is one of the most critical qualities and skills necessary in an effective leader.

Make Employees Feel Valued and Respected

The first thing any strategic leadership guru will tell you is that unless employees feel valued, it’s impossible for them to give 100% to the organization. Hence, leaders need to learn to interact with the team including when to provide feedback, how to provide negative feedback, and how and when to voice appreciation. The more valued employees feel, the better they’ll work, and the higher your profits will soar.

Good business leadership implies that both leadership and management focus on the people who work for the organization and not just abstract employees.

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