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Four Ways to Use Video Communications to Grow Your Business

Chip Arndt

Chip Arndt

Executive Vice President

employee trainingVideo technology is changing the way businesses operate. From employee recruitment, education and training to sales video platforms, video production, distribution and reporting methods are changing the ways HR managers communicate to employees, the ways marketing managers communicate to businesses and consumers, and the ways sales people respond to online leads. Businesses that don’t tap into the efficiencies and effectiveness of video communications and marketing are doing their company a disservice.

Video is no longer about getting a group together in an AV room to watch on a pull-down screen. Video engagement is about watching videos of all types on any screen, on any mobile device, in real time 24/7. If you seek ways to grow your business, you should consider investing in video content for the front end of your organization to explain products, processes and value proposition to B2B and B2C customers and for the back end of your organization to recruit, educate, train, and engage with new and existing employees.

So where do you start? Here are four ways you can use video content effectively.

1. Use Video to Recruit New Talent

If you graduated with a master in business administration degree from a prestigious school such as Washington State University, you know any business is only as successful as the talent that comprises the workforce. You may have even studied in an online MBA program, so you know just how useful the internet is to recruiting the best talent. One effective method to recruit new talent is to show them what you’re offering via video. Why? Because videos, such as whiteboard videos or explainer videos, are easy to digest and allow you the opportunity to explain a lot of information in a short amount of time. Video is without doubt one of the most useful tools you have in engaging and informing an audience in a fun and concise manner according to experts and their research.

2. Use Video to Introduce Your Company to Customers and Employees

From the first day someone joins your team, they need to learn procedures and processes about your company. Not only do you want new hires to be familiar with company history but you want to ensure they can visualize how you want things done. Every company has its own policies and procedures so what better way is there to train and educate your workforce than through animated videos that make otherwise boring, must-know content interesting to learn and easy to remember? Here is an example from Charity Water: Who We Are and What We Do 

In addition, HR and employee communication teams find that videos about open enrollment, new hire orientation, health and financial wellness and employee benefits topic videos (such as those focused on HSAs, FSAs, HDHPs, 401ks and health benefit plans) are a great way to inform and to increase engagement and education in order to make employees happier and better informed, such as this example by Akamai for their employees: Open Enrollment for Employees.

3. Use Video Training and Education for Employees

Professional designations require ongoing education to keep their licenses or certifications current or to learn new processes and policies within a business sector. Failing that, their license or certificate expires until they’ve met the educational requirements. So why not help your employees and provide your workforce ongoing training sessions through watching a video? You can create videos to provide an overview of internal procedures and processes, review at-work safety standards, explain how to use products and software systems, and provide video overviews of almost anything else that requires education and training.

Video is the perfect training and education solution for any organization. You no longer need to pull entire teams off the operating floor or away from their desks to attend training. Simply give them access to video lessons they can access from any device to watch the training video right there at their desk or on the manufacturing floor or on their mobile device while having lunch. Or… take it a step further and allow employees to watch videos on their mobile devices anytime they want outside the office by using a video platform.

4. Use Video for Customer Information, Products and Services Overviews, and Sales

Study after study shows that today’s consumer is more willing to watch a short two or three minute explainer video than they are to read a full page of content describing your products or processes and procedures. A well-produced video is engaging, informative and entertaining and that’s what today’s consumer is looking for. Any business administrator who doesn’t take advantage of video is leaving their company behind its competitors. From onboarding new hires to selling new products, video has a place in your organization and if you haven’t tapped into the power of video by now, it’s time you get with the program. There’s nothing as effective to engage and interact with clients and potential customers as video communications and video marketing.

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