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Author: Ross Simons

How can you make all the hard work you do preparing for open enrollment feel less like wasted effort and more like setting the stage for a productive and orderly enrollment process? Here are five practical tips for ensuring that this year, finally, all your...

Take inspiration from the following email templates for your onboarding communications. (Feel free to “borrow” as much as you need.) We designed these for you to send to your new hires a little before the first day of work, on the first day, and a...

Imagine showing up for the first day of work and not knowing what to expect, who to report to, how to get started, or even where to park your car. Good onboarding starts with excellent pre-boarding....

Management can help new hires get acclimated, boost productivity, and reduce turnover by working with new employees to break the immense onboarding task into manageable pieces that progress toward mastery. Management experts call these bite-sized targets SMART goals....

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