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Bullying in the Workplace and How Employee Video Communication Can Prevent It

Hannah Greenwood

Hannah Greenwood

employee video communication

employee video communicationWhile employee video communication can’t stop bullying on its own, it can help reduce incidents of workplace bullying by making your policies clear and more.

According to The Minnesota Association of Professional Employees June 2017 study, 19% of Americans are bullied, another 19% witness it. Overall, 60 million Americans are affected by it in the workplace.

Bullying in the workplace has become more common over the years and employers have tried to find effective ways to put a stop to it. Easier said than done, I know, but when we are trying to communicate these policies to our employees, are we providing clear messages that will resonate with these so-called “bullies”? A no-tolerance rule always needs to be enforced but what are the actions to back up that rule? Let us discuss.

Employee Video Communication has become an effective way to communicate updates, new hires, new policies and the like. This provides a visually appealing method of information delivery. Viewers might retain more of the message when they watch it as opposed to reading a hefty handbook. Millennials and the younger generations are perfect examples of an audience who typically react the most to video messages. So, how do we connect this popular channel to a very important message that will make an impression?

1) Define the Problem

When you define the issue of bullying in the workplace, people will understand what bullying really means, since most have a preconceived notion. Give them a definition and behaviors that categorize someone as a bully.

2) Give Physical Examples with Employee Video Communication

In your employee video communication techniques, make sure you showcase studies or scenarios of bullying in the workplace. When people can actually see that bullying is not always ripped from the script of a high school drama, it might make them think twice about their behaviors. It does not mean there will always be physical altercations — mental and emotional abuses are factors of bullying as well. Common amongst the younger generations is cyber bullying, which is something that is often overlooked and is important to be highlighted in your video. These examples or scenarios might remind the bullies of a time that they bullied someone at work and show them that is it not right.

employee communications

3) Show the Effects of Bullying

Show statistics of people who have been bullied not only in the workplace but also in their personal lives as well. When your employees understand that bullying can create long term, life-altering effects, they will empathize more with the victim. List disorders like depression, eating disorders, rage, suicidal thoughts and others that can occur when someone is bullied. The more they know, the less likely they are to abuse others.

4) Promote Mediation and Suggestions

When you offer mediation for the parties involved, it allows the person who has been bullied to speak out about the abuse and get it resolved as soon as possible. You can offer an anonymous option where the victim can let someone know about the issue without disclosing who he or she is. When you are involved in your corporate culture backed up with effective and clean employee video communication, the employees will trust in you more to fix the problem at hand. You can also ask your employees their suggestions on how to stop bullying because sometimes they might see it from a different perspective.

5) Lay Down The Law

At the end of your video, enforce 1-3 new rules and list their consequences if disobeyed. Be firm about these rules and encourage others to speak up if any of them have been broken. Also, assure employees that there will be constant monitoring to prevent any more incidents.

Overall, millennials are not the only people who bully others or are bullied; it can be anyone, of any age. It is our responsibility as HR professionals to provide a safe and pleasant environment for all. When we create a thorough video message that gives employees the right information and support, we are working towards an important goal. Use these tips on your next video to end bullying in your workplace and hopefully your message will funnel into the outside world.

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