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New-Hire Onboarding

making smart goals for new hire onboarding
Featured Articles

How to Make SMART Goals for Employee Onboarding Plans

Management can help new hires get acclimated, boost productivity, and reduce turnover by working with new employees to break the immense onboarding task into manageable pieces that progress toward mastery. Management experts call these bite-sized targets SMART goals.

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Featured Articles

5 Crazy-Simple Ways to Improve Your Onboarding

For many years, employees have resigned in great numbers. Usually the culprit is easy to figure out: bad pay, bad managers, or bad onboarding. In this post we’re going to fit the last one, once and for all. Here are five super simple onboarding tips.

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Employee Engagement

Employee Training Videos: Three Must-Know Categories

We’re past the initial scramble of companies and HR managers desperate to improve training video content, challenged to reach remote workers. Today, organizations have produced more engaging employee training content to help new workers hit the ground running. For those companies in a position to

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video communication will continue to evolve in 2020
Employee Communications

Video Communication Trends for a New Decade

Customers and corporate clients respond to video in advertising. Video conferencing makes employee and internal communication easier. Explainer videos for training and onboarding processes are growing in popularity. Creating and maintaining video content is getting easier and more cost effective. These and other video communication

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employee offboarding processes can help you fill the new labor gap
Change Management

Employee Offboarding: How to Communicate with Departing Employees

Employee offboarding rarely gets the attention employee onboarding does, and that’s a huge mistake. A documented, formal offboarding process, even for remote employees, prevents legal and security issues. It can provide feedback for improving processes and leaves the door open for some employees to return

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