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Choosing the Right Employee-Communication Software

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

employee communication software

employee communication softwareChoosing the right employee-communication software for your organization is crucial in today’s human resources world, where you need technology to not only engage with employees, but also help them get the best benefits. A survey by SHRM last year revealed that 92% of employees say benefits are important to their overall job satisfaction, a statistic not at all surprising to HR experts.

It wasn’t always the case that HR technology could be reliable and effective enough to warrant serious investment. Employee-communication software and tools have evolved quickly, disrupting workplace-communication strategies time and again. If your HR department is beginning the process of investing in communication technology, here are a few factors to consider.

Why SaaS?

Software as a service (SaaS) platforms have gotten more efficient and easier to use with each iteration. The alternative to SaaS benefits platforms at this point is to have your own software developed. If you have a strong IT team with enough time on their hands, maybe going this way is a wise investment, but most in-house or contracted development teams are expensive and take much longer than setting up and implementing a ready-made SaaS platform.

There are many other reasons to choose a SaaS platform over developing new employee-communication tools from scratch. In addition to the costs mentioned above, you can expect much faster deployment and quicker, more-reliable issue resolution from a software company dedicated to building these systems for businesses and HR departments. Arguably, the biggest reason to invest in an outside SaaS platform is that there is a mature solutions market out there. Most of these programs come with customizable add-ons and features tailored to several major industries, such as retail, manufacturing or IT.

Some Common SaaS Features to Consider

developing employee communications strategyWith rising competition between SaaS employee-communication tools providers, the list of features that could be a good fit for your company is long and only getting longer. Let’s look at a few key features you should consider:

• Employee Communications Portal—Does the software have a single online portal where employees can access and respond to pre-enrollment communications, as well as learn of any changes in coverage, plans, etc. from year to year?

• Customizable Communications—Most workplace-communication strategies these days require several forms of communication to improve employee engagement. Depending on the organization, the ability to create digital postcards, for example, and tailor them to different employee demographics or departments, could be a crucial feature.

• Reporting and Analytics—This isn’t a feature you should have to search long and hard for because most SaaS programs will have some kind of reporting and analytics capabilities that allow you to evaluate how effective your employee-directed content is faring. The key is to find the reporting and analytics system that fits your specific needs. Which metrics are the most crucial to the unique brand of employee engagement you’re trying to build? Which software system presents the clearest statistics for the metrics that are the most important to your organization?

Why Employee-Communication Software Is Worth the Investment

Benefits administration and enrollment in company programs are tedious, time consuming and expensive. HR departments have to wade through state and federal regulations that are constantly changing, and many departments find themselves struggling to accomplish more with fewer resources. This can lead to HR teams getting bogged down in enrollment and administration for weeks at a time. Easy-to-use, easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement software saves time for your HR team and employees, while establishing a culture of trust and teamwork for your employees.

SaaS solutions like our FLIMP software offer flexibility and capabilities beyond just benefits communications. Our platform allows you to develop, distribute and track engagement with communications for training programs, employee recognition, announcements, change management and more.

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