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Corporate Culture for All Personalities

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

group sitting through benefits presentationA positive, supportive corporate culture is important in all workplaces. When workers are motivated and collaborating with each other openly and with as little conflict as possible, everyone wins—everyone makes money, and everyone’s happy.

Building and maintaining a corporate culture that makes use of conflict when it arises and supports everyone participating in it takes time. Some companies take years to instill a sense of harmony in their offices. And even when you manage to include everyone and make them feel at home in your office, it can be a struggle to keep that positivity flowing.

A hinderance to corporate culture is inclusion. Everyone’s different. Everyone responds differently to employee communication efforts and initiatives, and even when it seems like everyone’s on board, there are usually a few employees with reservations or doubts. Folding everyone into a cohesive corporate culture means working with wildly different personality types. How do managers get everyone working in the same direction under the same culture?

Making Internal Communications Useful to All

While good workers are often hard to come by, depending on the nature of your work, once you find the perfect addition to your team, you can’t take them for granted or frustrate them. I can say personally that it’s frustrating when everyone seems to be on the same page except you. Different personality types absorb and respond to communications differently.

introvert worker on laptopLet’s examine two main types of personalities: introverts and extroverts. There are many nuances to each type, and most people are some combination of both, but, for simplicity’s sake: introverts tend to recharge their batteries and refresh themselves by being alone. They need the balance of interacting with other people, but they prefer smaller groups to larger ones, and interacting with many people at once drains them of their energy. Extroverts recharge by interacting with people, often the more people they get to interact with, the more energetic they become; being alone drains them of energy.

Chances are, you have multiple extroverts and introverts in your office, and you need the right communication tools to reach them all and foster collaboration and cooperation between them.

Video Communications and Digital Postcards

The beauty of video communications technologies, such as digital postcards and intranet video messages, is that they allow all workers to get the information they need from you in their own way, at their own pace.

Introverts can find all the information they need for onboarding, employee benefits, and general company messages through your employee portal or dashboard. Videos make it easier for introverts to get the message without burning themselves out going from person to person to get the information they need. When they do come to you with questions or concerns, they at least have access to information beforehand. They can ask better questions and be better prepared for interactions in the office they might not be comfortable with otherwise. Extroverts, meanwhile, can get the information from your video communications platform, show it to their families, ask their co-workers, ask their bosses, reach out to HR, and get collaborative help.

Video communications, in this case, solidify corporate culture because they give everyone, extrovert and introvert, the same knowledge base. When everyone has the same information, they can work together, they can help each other, and they can make up for each other’s weaknesses. That’s what a productive corporate culture is all about.


Using technology to communicate to your employees isn’t going to head off every internal conflict. It’s not going to solve your turnover problems, and it’s not going to be the main ingredient in a dynamic, productive corporate culture. But video communications do make it easier to send the same information to very different people, and let them process and use it to their personal advantage. It avoids the problem of lumping everyone into a room for a meeting every time you need to communicate with the office. Extroverts and introverts respond differently at meetings. Some do well, some don’t. A video platform puts the power of processing and using information in each individual’s hands, giving them more freedom and latitude to contribute to a positive corporate culture.

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