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Employee Video Communication: The Video Production Process

Eric Brown

Eric Brown

video productionVideo has become a significant part of our everyday and personal lives. We are bombarded with a variety of visual stories and videos of our family, friends, and important events in our lives. We just cannot get enough of video communication and interaction.

Employees desire video communication to be incorporated into their professional lives too, and many companies are embracing employee video communication in innovative and unique ways in the workplace. Why not you? Studies reveal that 44% of executives believe that video will be the “de-facto” method of communicating with employees in their companies in the next five years, and 87 of executives feel that video has a significant impact on their companies, including saving money. Employee video communication is being used in the following ways:

• Recruitment Efforts Studies reveal that recruitment videos will increase job applicants by a third and recruitment videos are more likely to be viewed on social media that other types of job posts. Recruitment videos give your company the opportunity to showcase your perks and benefits, explain your core values, and relay your brand to potential employees. You can include testimonials from current employees who can share the rewards of working for you. These videos can make top talent want to work for your company.

• New Hire Onboarding Onboarding and new employee videos will make new hires feel welcome and a part of the team immediately. They give new employees a glimpse into what they can expect as a new member of the firm. Furthermore, you can explain the company policies and operations in a personable, fun, and engaging manner.

• Employee Benefits You can transform a traditional open enrollment and employee benefits meeting into an exciting, engaging, and informative message through a well-produced benefits video.

• Employee Training Companies are utilizing employee video communication for training and learning because it can easily keep employees connected and engaged in the learning process no matter where they are located geographically. Training videos can accommodate the diverse learning styles of your different employees. Employees can learn at their own pace and connect anytime with the video training.

The use of employee video communication in these corporate areas is keeping employees productive, connected, and engaged in their companies. Employees not only enjoy seeing themselves in the videos, but many of them are having just as much fun getting involved in the process of creating and producing a well-crafted, engaging employee video communication system for their companies. Understanding the process of creating an effective video communication for your company is important, and you should consider the following steps in producing your employee video communication.

Planning the Video

Planning a successful employee communication video entails deciding the purpose of the video and selecting the employees in the company who will be involved and appear in the video production. The planning stage will include setting a budget for the project, establishing the timeline for the completion, and determining how the video will be produced.

Selecting Content for the Employee Video Communication

The video content will vary depending on the project and use for the video. Allow the employees involved in the video to be creative and innovative in this corporate video project. When selecting content, make sure the message aligns with the goals and objectives of the video. Using certain stories or messaging in the content may support the purpose of the video more effectively than using others. Do you want your message to have a motivational, inspirational, humorous, emotional or serious tone? Your answer will dictate the type of content utilized in the employee video communication.

Producing the Video

To produce the most effective and professional employee video communication system, companies should partner with a reliable and professional video production company, who can make the production more visually-pleasing to capture your message in the best possible way and present your employees in the most flattering manner. Poor production will portray a poor image of your company, and the message will not be received or conveyed as you wished. Seek out knowledgeable employee video communication professionals who can give you the best advice and suggestions on how to produce your employee videos. You can find video production companies that can help you from the initial conception to post production.

Sharing the Video on Multiple Platforms

When the video project is complete, celebrate the success with your employees by bringing together the entire company with an exclusive debut of the employee video communication. Then, you can share the video on external channels, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, mobile devices, and other social platforms that can further your brand and company. Employee video communication is becoming a useful vehicle for companies to interact with their employees, prospects, and partners. It brings people together in a way that instantly connects and engages them to the vision, values, and purpose of your company. Whatever form of employee video communication you choose for your company, it is worth the investment. Smart companies include video production in their annual budgets each year. They realize that a picture can say a thousand words and save money at the same time.

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