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Essentials of Video Employee Onboarding

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

employee onboarding

Employee onboarding has many implications for the future of your company. When new employees join your team, they have certain expectations. Most people are anxious about joining a new team, but your onboarding system can help ease that stress while setting up all newcomers for success. These days, video communications are making employee communications more streamlined, including in the onboarding world.

Employees want to be welcomed but not overwhelmed when they join a new office. For many of them, they’re starting a new career, a new chance, and their life will be much different from before. Employees want to feel at home in their new work environment, of course, but, above all, they want to be able to get to work and show what they can do as soon as possible. Adjustment periods are awkward for everyone involved, and they’ll never go away. But you, as a manager or HR leader, can shorten that awkward adjustment period with video communications and a little humanity.

Successful Employee Onboarding

Successful employee onboarding is about getting the employee the basic information they need to start their jobs and learn quickly how their work fits in with the company’s mission and vision. At the end of their first day, each new employee should know where they fit in with the company and why their work matters. They should also know how to do their work and what the expectations are in the office. Beyond the basic need to show employees how they will be expected to perform, onboarding efforts also need to help make employees feel welcome.

In distributed offices, the onboarding efforts are even more difficult, because you lose opportunities for face-to-face interaction. But video communications systems are one way to bridge the gap between yourself and your remote workers, while not leaving your in-house new recruits in the dust. When everyone gets the same messaging and information, everyone works better together. As your organization grows larger, you’ll need to impart the same information to more and more workers at once. A native video communications platform is one way to accomplish that.

Ease of Access

Employee Onboarding

Videos are great for explaining complicated concepts like health care and other benefits. But they need to be accessible for all employees, no matter where they are. This functionality takes a good deal of technological investment and know-how, but it doesn’t have to be an impossible process. Employee portals available on your company intranet is a great way to send the same information at the same time to everyone in the organization. These portals also allow employees to get the information they need when they need, on their own time. The employee portal can also be set up to deliver not only information, but it can also be an interactive page where employees can sign up for health insurance and other benefits on their own computers, consulting their families, whenever they want.

Setting up employee portals can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be with the right provider. And once they’re set up, employers can make them what they need them to be for their workers.


The bottom line is that employee onboarding efforts need to not only improve your bottom line, they can also improve your company culture by making employees feel welcomed. The easier it is to learn about their role in the company and how to succeed, the better your employees will respond, and the more effort they’ll put into building the company brand.

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