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[Free Video] Health Insurance Key Terms, Explained

Ross Simons

Ross Simons

Director of Inbound Marketing

Not understanding benefits terminology is near the top of the list of the many reasons that open enrollment and benefits selection stresses out employees.

Employers that take the extra step to educate their employees on these key terms, in advance of, and during, benefits enrollment will ease the benefits decision making process. Videos are a compelling, fast and effective way to educate employees.

It’s why we’ve invested in building out our HR Benefits Video Library, loaded with 75+ videos (in English and Spanish) that employers can use in their communications.

One of the most popular videos in our library is our “Key Health Insurance Terms Explained” video. This video no doubt will help reduce the number of inbound questions on basic terms, and today, it’s yours, for free. We’ve included it as part of our Open Enrollment Toolkit.

Feel free to use this video with your employees; we’ve included distribution options at the bottom of this article.

Health insurance terms explained in our employee video

Want a sneak preview? Here are the terms we cover. We chose these because a 2019 survey from Policygenius noted that only one-third of respondents correctly defined all three of the most common insurance terms: premium, deductible, and copay. 

  • Premium – a monthly payment you make to have health insurance
  • Copay – a predetermined rate you pay for healthcare services at the time of care
  • Deductible – how much you pay before your health insurance coverage kicks in
  • Coinsurance – the percentage of a medical charge that you pay after you meet your deductible for the year
  • Out-of-Pocket Maximum – the absolute most you have to pay in one year for your health care expenses before your insurance covers 100% of the bill

Ready to send to your employees?

We have multiple distribution options below. Choose the one that best works for your employee base.

Want to embed the video? 

Here’s the code to do that. Just highlight it all, copy, and send it to your webmaster to embed on a website, benefits portal or HR admin site. 

					<iframe src=""  webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen frameborder="0"  style="width: 100%; height: 540px;"></iframe>

Prefer to use a QR code or a link? 

Use the QR code below in printed materials (or distribute this link). Employees just scan the code with a QR reader on their smartphones and it will take them to the video. 

QR Code - Benefits Key Terms Explained

Want more? Download the OE Toolkit

It’s filled with actionable resources that help HR teams achieve better results during open enrollment.


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