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A Fresh Perspective on Employee Benefits Videos

Lauryn Nosek

Lauryn Nosek

new benefits enrollment video styleEvery year, after annual enrollment season wraps up, we go back through all the work we’ve done to evaluate our products and processes to identify what we can do to better serve our clients’ needs. We’ve spent much of the first half of 2019 developing, improving and expanding in anticipation of this year’s demands. Now that open enrollment season is just around the corner, we’re ready to share what we’ve been working on. We’re going to start by showing you the newest style for our Enhanced benefits-enrollment videos.

What Goes into a New Style

Perspective” is a new design option clients can choose to help their videos reflect the culture of their organizations and the tone of their messaging. Perspective is part of our Enhanced tier of video production, which includes our most-popular options for employee videos. Enhanced videos are cost effective and make the production process easy for HR teams. We offer starter scripts to help clients customize their messaging and four unique style templates to choose from. As with the other Enhanced visual styles (Bold Lines, Business Casual and Moving Images), Perspective helps balance the formality of employee communications with the personal nature of benefits enrollment and other HR initiatives. We don’t need to tell you how important (and tricky) striking that balance is.

explainer videos for benefits enrollment and other HR topicsBuilding the new style fell to our creative team. Researching animation and design trends across both video and print media sources, they developed a style to fit the existing Enhanced options but that can also stand firmly on its own. We wanted our new style to feel modern and appropriate for workplace settings. We also wanted the kinds of whimsical elements that help to make benefits explainer videos engaging for employee audiences. Formal, but not too formal. Visually intriguing, but not in a way that distracts or detracts from client messaging. Similar to the existing styles, but different. Luckily, our top-notch creative team managed to make sense of the vagaries to develop a style that’s just right.

The End Result

The Perspective style uses sleek and clean graphics that complement existing characters in our Bold Lines and Business Casual styles. The differences in scale between these new characters and still-life objects in their environment immediately distinguish Perspective from its Enhanced siblings. The lines and angles of the graphic arrangement give Perspective an almost three-dimensional visual depth. Playing with scale also helps subtly convey how enormously important, intimidating or otherworldly topics like benefits elections can be. And that your employees don’t need to worry, because you’re there to help them every step of the way.

When you choose to educate employees using video — whatever the topic — remember that the visual style you choose reflects on your company and its values. Make sure you choose a style that enhances your message.

You can learn more about our Enhanced video production process and package pricing by reaching out to us at or by calling 1.888.612.3881.

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