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HP Hood and Flimp Collaborate on Juneteenth Employee Communication Campaign

Chip Arndt

Chip Arndt

Executive Vice President

This year, our client, HP Hood set out to create greater awareness and understanding of Juneteenth and to help their employees celebrate its lasting legacy. Hood works with Flimp Communications to support their year-round HR and benefits, and total rewards communication efforts. The Juneteenth campaign was part of a larger effort to engage and inform employees on important topics throughout the year. 


Juneteenth, which falls on June 19th each year, marks our country’s second independence day commemorating the end of slavery in the United States when the last enslaved African Americans learned they were free. It has long been celebrated in the African American community, although this monumental event remained largely unknown to most Americans, until today! 

In a landmark moment, the U.S. Congress and Senate voted to make Juneteenth a federal holiday and President Biden signed the bill on June 17th. 

As Juneteenth approached, Hood came to Flimp for help in creating an education video around the holiday to encourage education and understanding of its significance. Despite happening over 150 years ago, 60% of Americans know “nothing at all” or just “a little bit” about Juneteenth, the holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the United States. (
Source: Gallup). 

It was our great privilege to help Hood produce this educational video about the holiday. The video covers some of the most essential facts about Juneteenth and what it means for America. 

You can watch the Hood Juneteenth video for yourself below:

Note: this video was produced and distributed prior to congress voting on Juneteenth to become a federal holiday.

About Flimp

Flimp Communications partners with HR teams to help them build creative campaigns that educate and engage employees, year-round, on various topics critical to celebrating and affirming their inclusion in addition to health & wellness, financial wellness, code of conduct, recognition, compensation, workplace policies, benefits, and other total rewards related topics.

For more information about Juneteenth, its history, and significance, please read more here.

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