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How Your Human Resources Department Can Improve Employee Benefits Communication with Video Messaging

Elizabeth Woodard

Elizabeth Woodard

employee benefits communication

employee benefits communicationIf someone tells you that employee benefits communication doesn’t matter when hiring and retaining skilled employees, they’re lying.

The simple fact of the matter is that with companies cutting benefits, salaries, and hours… millennial employees are desperate for a company that will treat them like a worker who matters and not like a replaceable cog in the machine. Good companies who know this and offer great benefits and incentives to keep employees loyal and happy.

Why, then, does your company, which offers these amazing benefits, not have people signing up for them? Why are employees complaining about their lack of benefits? Simple: outdated employee benefits communication.

The standard and boring mass-produced HR email is out. If you want benefits communication that grabs your employees by the shoulders and demands they pay attention to all your company has to offer, video messaging is the way. It might take a little more time and effort, but it is almost as cost-effective as any other form of benefits communication and tens of times more impactful.

Need more proof? Here are a few, concrete ways your human resources department can use video messaging to get benefits communication where it needs to be:

Conduct crucial employee benefits communication to international offices simultaneously

Business is international these days. If your office is offering employee benefits to people in different time zones and locations, you’ll need a way to reach them that doesn’t involve spending millions of dollars on plane tickets or an email that might end up in a junk folder. Hold your meetings via video message, or have a prerecorded message in any language you need and you’ll be good to go.

Make employee benefits communication more interesting and effective

“Liz,” you say. “My work emails are different! They always get opened!”

corporate cultureIf that’s you, you’re the exception. Studies have shown that we spend a third of our work time opening and answering emails. Your employees are burnt out and exhausted with just the mission critical emails they have to answer to keep their jobs and the emails about the company’s amazing 401k match just… slip out of sight and out of mind.

Video, however, is different. A video message demands all five senses be engaged. It’s a lot easier to catch and keep someone’s wandering attention when a human voice is speaking right to them. Use video messages to command employee attention and you’ll get a much higher response to benefits communication messages.

Video messaging can hyper-target employee groups to maximize effectiveness

Hyper-personalizing employee benefits engagement makes people more interested. If you are a 47-year-old employee, which would you be more likely to open? A. The 27th human resources email in a week with the title of “Benefits Enrollment Period Details,” or B. a video called “45 and older? Watch this video to find out how we can help you retire by 60!”

I know that B is a little like clickbait, but the point stands. A personalized video that speaks right to your employees’ needs will go farther than something which doesn’t treat employees like the complex individuals they are.

I want to note here that you can use both the video language itself and the narrator to target different types of employees. Younger employees might prefer a fellow millennial explaining what benefits millennials want, and someone closer to retirement could relate to someone in their age bracket using language they relate to.

Explain complicated employee benefits in an easy to understand way

Let’s talk about how video messaging is amazing for getting complicated concepts across in employee benefits communication. Simply put, we learn better from a fellow human being than from words on a page. That’s the reason why we have teachers and don’t teach ourselves from textbooks, and it’s the reason you should be using video messaging. A human person explaining how your benefits work with visual aids and a friendly demeanor is the friendly and easy-to-understand key your employee benefits program is currently missing.

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