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How New Corporate Communication Tools Help You Find the Right People

Hannah Greenwood

Hannah Greenwood

engaged employeesAll corporate communication tools are designed to help employers engage and communicate with their diverse employees. Recruiting millennials will take some extra corporate communications expertise.

What do you think of when you think of a successful business? Some may think of resources, fancy corporate communication tools, and endless cash flow, but what really makes a business successful is its brilliant team. Employees who are thinkers, doers and dreamers and constantly work to improve not just themselves but the organization as well. A manager’s challenge is engaging employees of all different age groups, backgrounds and mindsets using corporate communication tools to help them come together to create an unstoppable workforce. These individuals are the people who make the difference, so how do we find these talented souls? In 2017, millennials are officially taking over the job market with their new ideas and expectations. We, as millennials, are constantly underestimated as we dive into this highly-saturated career world. How we set ourselves apart from all the others is the ultimate challenge but we are determined to find our calling. When trying to recruit a talented millennial, the employer must know what that specific group is looking for in a job. We all want good pay, benefits and guaranteed hours but you must take it one step further to really appeal to this younger crowd. Millennials do not settle, they know what they want and they know what they are worth. With this in mind, here are a few tips when using corporate communication tools to recruit the most motivated millennials:

1. Use Social Media

LinkedIn’s 2015 Talent Trends Report shows that 62% of millennials visit a company’s social media sites to find out information about jobs. Whenever I am looking for a new job, I always check out the business’ Facebook and Instagram pages before even clicking over to their website. In this day and age, photos and videos are far more valuable than text; we don’t want to read about what you do, we want to see it. So, when millennials see photos of you completing a project, receiving an award, setting up new corporate communication tools, going on a team outing or featuring an office pet, we see that as genuine and are willing to take that next step to your website. When you’re constantly posting and engaging, using your corporate communication tools, we are able to see how your corporate culture works from an inside perspective. Snapchat videos and Instagram stories are also a great way to get creative with advertising any new openings and new events going on around your office. These social media outlets can essentially be used as corporate communication tools. Millennials check their phones constantly so they like their content instantaneous and up to date! LinkedIn is also a great way for young professionals to see what your company does and make connections. Using keywords in your company biography or title helps eager career seekers find you easily. Once again, consistency is key with this. Keep us in the loop and provide useful takeaways; this will make your company more memorable and credible.

2. Connect with Local Networking Groups

professional networkingSome say millennials prefer to talk over email or text rather than meet in person but that is not entirely true! Email and text is convenient, but we are aware that nothing is better than meeting someone face-to-face and winning them over with good conversation. There are so many nonverbal cues and additional information potential new employees and employers can get from each other in a conversation that they can’t get using even the best corporate communication tools. By attending local networking groups, you will find those brave few who have decided to expand their horizons and meet like-minded people. This is a good way to promote your business while meeting some motivated individuals in your area who might be looking for a job. You can also try LinkedIn networking groups and special interest groups. These are great for posting job openings and scoping out the local talent.

3. Provide Convenience and Mentorship

When recruiting 20-somethings using your best corporate communication tools, you might have to take that extra step to make them come to you. According to Steven Rothberg, president and founder of College Recruiter on the Brazen Blog: “Video interviewing and virtual career fairs are great ways to meet face-to-face with candidates who attend schools you can’t visit…” This provides that convenience factor that allows millennials to have a shot at interviewing for a company that might not be local for them but something that they are passionate about and are willing to relocate for. Also, providing mentorship and seeing how young professionals work, grow and succeed is a great way to build meaningful relationships and offer a wide variety of opportunity for both parties. Overall, millennials are always on the hunt for their next big break. When your company knows how to market and engage with them and recruit millennials using clever corporate communication tool, it attracts the top talent. Use the corporate communication tools around you and hone in on what exactly motivates these younger generations because ultimately, they are your future. Being consistent, transparent and going that extra mile can really make a difference when trying to recruit quality employees that are in it for the long run. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn, it’s all about finding the diamond in the rough!

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