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Provide Ongoing Employee Communications to Engage and Reassure

Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels

Flimp Communications COVID-19 employee communications

The COVID-19 crisis is emphasizing how important it is to stay connected with your workforce, while simultaneously making it harder to do so. The speed at which the situation is changing and the localized nature of many regulations requires targeted messaging with a quick turnaround. Social distancing and stay-at-home orders mean furloughs or working from home for many. Even with these newest challenges, we at Flimp are dedicated to finding efficient communications solutions you can use to engage and reassure employees.

Check out this digital postcard featuring Jeff Fritts, our VP of Operations, as he explains just how quick and easy we’ve made it for you to provide your workforce with reliable, real-time updates for the duration of the current health crisis.

Flimp Communications COVID-19 employee communications



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