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How Scripted Internal Video Communications Build Community

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

reviewing video communicationsInternal video communications come in all shapes and sizes. Some companies use internal communication tactics like live streaming to communicate better and faster with remote and in-house employees. Here’s how scripted videos can help deliver information and build community in the workplace.

Many organizations are turning to internal video communications solutions now more than ever to increase employee engagement. With so much new software offering new channels and options for video engagement, it’s easy to get lost in the land of graphics, live stream videos, internal social media, and animation. But a simple, scripted recording with appropriate, simple graphics, can set the tone for an organization and help build community among managers and employees. Especially during times of change, videos can convey information to all employees, no matter what communication style they have.

Internal Video Communications for Change Management

The most important part of any change management effort is conveying the pertinent information to everyone in the company as quickly and efficiently as possible. Company meetings are great for this. So are open door policies, which employees can use to voice their concerns openly in a private audience with their managers. These days, internal video communications have become a near-necessity for large organizations, especially those that have large contingents of remote workers. As a way to clearly lay out facts, especially those relating to change in the organization, scripted video is a great option. Using accompanying graphics or even written messages can greatly improve communication to employees and boost engagement. Even if the changes are difficult, at least the employees know the facts and the reasoning behind the change.

Creating Community

group training sessionHow does one ‘create community’? It’s not done overnight. But shared experiences, even if it’s just a short video, can help create a group dynamic and team identity. These concepts are slippery, difficult to define, and even more difficult to foster, but when a team has a sense of community and a truly synergized identity, work goes much more smoothly for everyone. Team identity means every individual knows their role in the larger team and they’re constantly thinking about how they can help the team achieve its collective goals. Different individuals have different communication styles, different goals for their career, and different needs. Getting each member of a team to set aside these personal concerns and think about the team is not easy. Over time, if team goals are made clear and expectations spelled out with progress reports along the way, the team coalesces around those goals as its mission. Before anyone can work together, they need to be informed. HR managers can pack each video with information once and reach everyone. It’s a cost-effective, efficient way to pass along information and help form the habits and shared experiences that create effective teams.

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