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Humans are creatures of habit and routine. Consistency and reliability are reassuring. Even little changes like the coffee cart moving to a different hallway can throw employees off and send productivity into a downward spiral. Having an employee benefits resource portal that’s consistent for the...

Have you ever spent any time on a deserted island? I have. I’ve spent seven long years on the Isle of WFH. If you’ve done a lot of remote work, you probably felt at times like you were on a deserted island. There are times when...

What are you planning on doing with your workforce post-COVID? Do you have the skillsets to manage this transition? Are you going to bring them all back into the office? Keep them all remote? Something in between?PwC asked those questions in their recent survey, and...

In the era of the New Normal, children aren’t the only ones who’ve had to embrace digital learning. With so many annual conferences cancelled in the wake of the COVID crisis, we’re embracing virtual events and streaming alternatives. We’re proud to be a sponsor for the...

HR teams are almost always in problem-solving mode, but the problems encountered while planning and preparing for open enrollment are in a league of their own. Communicating difficult topics like healthcare and benefits enrollment grows increasingly complicated as workforces are spread across broader and broader demographics....

Decision-support software simplifies the complicated world of employee benefits so that everyone gets the right benefits for their personal situation. It’s never a bad idea to investigate decision-support programs as a part of your employee benefits and compensation system, but sometimes the programs designed to...

Which employee communications styles allow millennials to thrive in the workplace? Microsoft partnered with SurveyMonkey and polled more than 1,000 millennials in the U.S. to find out what helped them ‘thrive in the workplace.’ The results showed that 93 percent of millennials polled cited modern and...

Q: What are the best target industry verticals for PLANselect? A: PLANselect works for any industry vertical and any organization, nonprofit or company with the appropriate number of employees. Q: What percentage of employees use PLANselect when available? A: We typically see 50-70% of employees using PLANselect when...

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