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Employee Benefits Tag

General benefits literacy has long been lacking among America's workforce. The pandemic has been a wakeup call for many. It's encouraging workers to pay closer attention and employers to take greater steps in providing supplemental education. But so much of the focus of those efforts...

Not everyone has had COVID-19, but the nasty little bug has affected everyone. Economic shut downs, job losses, fear of social interaction – while craving social interaction – and swinging between horror and numbness over climbing death tolls create high levels of stress. And stress...

In the midst of this pandemic, employers and employees alike are feeling the uncertainty of the future. With many working remotely to maintain personal and family safety, medical benefits and financial security are necessary to press on. Unfortunately, according to an IFEBP survey from April...

Before this whole COVID thing, I went to the doctor for a regular check-up. It was my first visit with a new insurance policy, which means different costs and new rules to learn for maintaining my financial wellness. I’m kind of lucky in that my...

Well, things are certainly different, aren't they? The plans everyone had a few months ago have gone right out the window. What do we do about it? For those of us in HR and employee communications, these are the times we've been training for all...

While many companies are feeling the pinch and letting people go, those in essential industries are feeling the strain in other ways. Employee satisfaction is an area taking a bit of a hit. Several industries have workers striking (or threatening to strike) over working conditions,...

There are plenty of new ways HR managers are thinking about workplace wellness in 2020. This is leading to new products, new technologies and new ways of thinking about employee benefits. Younger generations of workers are entering the job market and replacing retiring baby boomers,...

Over the years, I’ve learned that there are two things people really hate. The first is change. The second (which is related to the first) is an unwelcome surprise. For most people, healthcare and benefits are something they don't pay much attention to. At least, until...

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