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The pandemic has undeniably impacted the job market. With so many furloughed or looking for new work, Flimp’s Director of Channel Sales, Stephen Graziano looks to those interviewees for answers about employee retention.Providing “3 Surefire Ways to Motivate Employees” to BenefitsPRO, he breaks each motivator...

Hunting for a new job is stressful and the job interview with hiring managers often tops the list of stressors. Flimp Communications CPO Heather Smith is just one of the Forbes Human Resources Council members tapped for advice on reducing interview-related anxiety. Smith and the others...

Responding to the pandemic, many companies are planning for an annual enrollment that looks nothing like last year. Flimp Communications CEO, Wayne Wall, shared his professional insights with EBN in, “Virtual Communications Planning for Open Enrollment.” Wayne takes readers from the process of developing an enrollment...

Chief People Officer, Heather Smith, continues to turn her experience into advice for the Forbes Human Resources Council. This month she's examining another challenge HR leaders face that the pandemic is making worse: time off. Her recently published article, "Encourage Taking Time Off – Yes, Even...

Our Chief People Officer, Heather Smith, recently joined the Forbes Human Resource Council and she’s wasting no time sharing her years of experience. She was featured as part of their expert panel in their article, “15 Surprising Ways HR Can Contribute in Times of Crisis.”...

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