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The Truth About Workplace Texting Communications

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

mass text employees

Workplace texting communications and instant messaging systems are nothing new. Some cutting-edge employers have been mass texting employees for a while now. 

In fact, the technology has been around long enough for different generations of workers to react to it in different ways. Many workers have embraced these systems for the ease they bring. They make it possible to connect and communicate with superiors and co-workers quickly, without getting up to find them in the office, scheduling a meeting or dealing with a busy signal.

As the rise of the gig economy continues with more employees than ever working remotely, instant messaging programs have become even more important. And these programs aren’t going anywhere. In fact, millennials and Generation Z workers are embracing them now more than ever.

The Pros of Using Workplace Texting Communications Tools

These tools are popular for a reason. Many companies see excellent returns on their investment in this technology, for a variety of reasons.

Improved internal communications

Instant messaging systems remove the sometimes-tedious process of waiting for emails to come through, mixing up and detangling email threads and other problems. They make it easy to separate internal questions about a project from customer-facing communications.

Integration with other programs like CRMs and video conferencing

Some companies make HR managers and others available via instant messenger, which can be accessed through various online employee communication portals, allowing users to share files quickly and more.

millennials prefer workplace texting communicationsFewer interruptions and wasted time

Email can be delayed, mis-sent and hacked more readily than instant messaging systems. Quick and less-formal questions can be asked and answered the moment they’re relevant, rather than waiting in an inbox for the recipient to get to. Many bridge devices, making messages readily available on both computers and mobile devices.

Improved customer service

Customers who can reach representatives via online chat or an instant messaging system are more likely to ask for help. Which means they’re more likely to get the information they need to make informed decisions and purchases.

Cost effective

Instant messaging systems won’t break the bank and will speed up internal communications, especially within departments and teams.

These are all reasons to invest in new HR technologies. But there’s another reason to invest in these types of employee communication systems. More workers than ever prefer them over other forms of communication.

Generation Z is invading workplaces much the same way millennials did. Generation Z workers and millennials are more used to interacting and communicating via texting and instant messaging technologies than any other working generation. When they feel comfortable in a company, they’re less likely to look elsewhere and move on. Instant messaging gives these young workers more reason to stay, along with an effective method of communication.

The Truth

Workplace texting communications systems aren’t difficult to use, aren’t expensive and allow younger employees to communicate using methods they prefer. They open new lines of communication between the customer and sales or customer service. Finally, they eliminate many of the delays and miscommunications that occur using email and other forms of inter-office communication.

With younger employees entering the workforce at higher rates and more people working remotely, these systems can be a worthy investment.

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