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Three Ways to Spice up Your Video Communications

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

old video projectorWhen we talk about video communications from a human resources standpoint, we understand that the end result should be an on-brand, informative, useful product for employees. But if your employees never use these resources, what good are they? Here’s how you can draw eyeballs to your videos.

Similar to how videos can enhance advertising and marketing initiatives, bringing more eyes and attention to your products and services as a company, video communications from the HR office puts the right information in front of the right employees at the right time. How you deliver these video options to your employees makes all the difference in how they’re used and consumed.

On-Demand Video Communications

Employees are too busy doing their jobs to sit in a room for hours watching videos or pouring over packets of information. They need to be able to access video communications—especially explainer videos and other informative media they can use as resources to make the decisions they need to make—on demand.

For this purpose, creating an online space all employees company-wide can log in to and watch the video content you’ve produced is important. For some company announcements and time-sensitive information, videos won’t work. That’s why you still have conference rooms, open door policies, emails, and status meetings. But for information regarding decisions employees have to make by a certain time, like benefits and healthcare coverage, static explainer videos going over basic information is extremely convenient for employees.

Use a Video Production Company

filming interviewMaking a short video always sounds like a fun project that won’t take long or cost you much, but if you don’t have the equipment, can’t spend the time, or don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll end up with videos no one watches and a wasted video budget.

Video production companies produce content exactly up to your standards. They create branded videos using your marketing materials, your language, your tone, and your visual standards for you. They will also help you tweak content once it’s already been posted, allowing you to adjust your messaging and information as you go along. Aside from taking video production off your plate, video production companies will create consistent, useful, high-quality videos for your employees.

Consider Illustrations Over Talking Heads

animated doctor patient conversationIt will be necessary to film yourself talking to the camera for some video communications, but for many explainer videos and other informative content, moving diagrams and illustrations are very helpful.

For videos that explain what deductibles are, for example, it will be easier for an employee to see simple illustrations of how they work than a video of a manager or HR executive explaining it. An employee can get the rote information from a printed packet—they don’t need you reading the packet to them. Use the power of video to show them the concepts they need to know, even if the animations are simply pictures of dollar bills going from one stick figure to the next, they add value to your video communications.


Video communications are of course the key to helping employees decide on their benefits packages, learn about company policies, and more. But recording yourself talking at your employees isn’t going to cut it. Neither will limiting access to these videos in any way. Make your videos easily and readily accessible, hire a professional production company to take care of your materials for you, and help your employees watch the videos on demand.

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