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Training and Compliance: Simplify your Training Program

Eric Brown

Eric Brown

training and compliance; employee training videoTraining and compliance programs are vital to the success of your business and employees. There are many employee training programs that companies incorporate into their culture to boost employee communications, productivity, and engagement.
Training programs may involve instruction in customer service, diversity & understanding, computers & technology, ethics & social responsibility or safety & conflict resolution.
However, one of the most commonly practiced training programs is employee orientation, or training for new hires in the company. These training programs are designed to help new talent learn and perform their duties and prepare them for job readiness.
Employee training programs are the most effective and beneficial when they are simple and engaging. Training and onboarding new hires with innovative training programs can make the training more meaningful and interactive. Here are some ways you can simplify and improve your new hire training programs.

Adapt to Individual Learning Styles

Allow your training material and techniques to support the learning style of your new hires. Make it diverse to address the different types of learning styles that different people utilize. In other words, make your training programs personal and adaptive to each employee. This not only ensures your new workers get the information and training they need, it also sets the tone for useful and efficient employee communications later.

Understand the Value of Face-to-Face Meetings

Nothing can take the place of face-to-face interaction with new employees. New hires should meet directly with bosses, supervisors, and others who will have a direct impact on their training experiences with the company. Incorporating coaching sessions with other staffers can help the new employee learn technology or software platforms that the company uses.

HR manager and new employee

Use Technology to Enhance Training Programs

Technology is creating and redefining career learning methods that allow companies to teach their new hires in a more efficient way. Modern software, technology tools, and creative learning methods are enhancing training programs, which boasts quality and engagement that makes training programs more personal. Training technologies help managers better understand the needs of learners, as well as provide a more effective way to deliver training programs in the workplace.

Establish Training Options Through Videos

Training videos can be helpful to new talent too. Videos can enhance the learning of all types of new hires, whether they are visual, audio or experimental. Producing training videos can make a big difference in the results of your training and development programs.

Offer Employee Shadowing Opportunities

Having new hires shadow their co-workers allows them to witness firsthand the tasks they will be performing in their new jobs. You can design a custom video tutorial on different topics and aspects of the job to help new talent learn their roles quicker.

Solicit Feedback from New Employees

Continuously seek and gather feedback from your employees during the training program. A new employee may offer perspectives that can improve the training program for future new hires.


Employee training and compliance programs are designed to help employees improve on-the-job skills and better understand company policies. Training programs are a significant investment in your future that offers long-term benefits to employees and the business. These programs can increase job satisfaction and morale among workers, enhance creativity, reduce employee turnover, boost productivity, and increase profits for the company. Large and small companies are embracing robust and effective employee training programs. Why not you?

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