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Video Communication: When Information Packets Are Not Enough

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

video communication

video communicationInformation is key to the success of your business. It keeps your customers, partnerships, vendors, employees, and everyone else involved in your bottom line informed of events and happening within your company. The way you deliver your information will determine how it is perceived and received. Your company thrives on delivering information, and you want to ensure it is distributed in an effective manner that garners results. That’s where video communication comes in.

Company information should be packaged in a way that is useful and understandable to its intended recipients. If not, your message may be pushed aside as unimportant. Often, the content within information packets goes unread or unremembered. Information packets that are manually produced may even get lost or thrown away.

Think of the Trees

When the packets hit the garbage bin, all your hard work and research to create the information packet is for nothing. That is why many organizations are going beyond just using information packets to deliver their important messages.

Many companies are starting to ditch the paper and save the trees, as they look for more economical and efficient ways to deliver their ideas through video communication. Video communication is a powerful resource to deliver information for several HR and employee relationship tasks, such as:

• Employee Training & Development

• Employee Onboarding

• Employee Engagement

• Employee Benefits Enrollment

• Employee & Corporate Communication

• Employee Recruitment & Retention

More companies utilize videos to help them keep new and pertinent information in front of their employees, as well as improve productivity and efficiencies in the workplace. Video communication can involve any topic, ranging from introducing a new company policy to explaining new employee-onboarding procedures. You want to ensure that each employee in the company understands the new policy that you have discussed in your video message. A video message can better outline the reasons why a policy was implemented in the first place and the impact it will have on the company or employee.

The Power of Video Communication in Your Messaging

health insurance terms educationSome information packets can be transformed into creative explainer videos that are used in many ways. An explainer video is a short and engaging video that explains a message or idea using understandable language and visuals that appeal to the viewer.

Moreover, a well-produced explainer video can ensure your information will be read, heard, and remembered. According to a number of studies, the average individual retains 10% of what they hear and only remember 20% of what they see. 65% of people are visual learners according to the Social Science Research Network.

Employees remember more through visual and video content. An explainer video can be a great way to engage your employees and deliver your information in a memorable and practical way.

Video communication does not just include explainer videos, but also tutorials via webinars, personalized videos, and much more. Use your creativity and imagination to produce video messages that can impact your company.

Make Lasting Impressions with Visual Presentations

Information packets may not be fully achieving the messaging goals you desire. In today’s video technology, creating a well-produced video can enhance your messaging and brand to ensure they both are remembered through a strong visual presentation. Videos can be engaging, personal, adaptable, and your answer to delivering important information that is useful to the employee and company, too. So, when traditional information packets are not enough, explore the power of video and take your messaging to a new and improved level.

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